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Health topics
… at the place where it is inserted or where it lies under your skin. Collapsed lung (pneumothorax). The risk of a … home? You can take the following steps at home to care for your CVAD. Always wash your hands before you touch youryour doctor or nurse advice line if: You have any concerns about your central line. Central …
Health topics
… cases, it is caused by fungi. This infection can damage your heart. It needs to be treated right away. If it isn't … symptoms will get worse as the bacteria or fungi grow in your heart. Symptoms may include: Flu-like symptoms such as … kidneys. How is it diagnosed? First, your doctor will ask about your medical history and your symptoms. The doctor …
Health topics
… What is the mind-body connection? Your mind and body are powerful allies. How you think can affect how you feel. And how you feel can affect your thinking. An example of this mind-body connection is … you should blame yourself for getting sick or feeling down about a health problem. Some illnesses are beyond your
Health topics
… you have a kit and that they know how to use it. Be careful about the medicines you take. Only take medicines that were … or benzos (benzodiazepines). Combining them decreases your breathing rate. This can lead to overdose or death. … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… of varicose veins by improving blood circulation in your legs. Try to walk every day. Bicycling and swimming are … say swimming is ideal because, in addition to working your legs, it puts the legs at heart level and avoids the … For more information, see the topic Fitness. Exercise your legs. When you are sitting down, rotate your feet at …
HealthLinkBC files
… care facility or move to another location. For information about emergency preparedness and planning at the facility where your family member lives, you may ask: What is the … There are a few things to consider if you want to care for your family member during an emergency: Is your home …
Health topics
… positive ways. For example, by hearing "Great job! You used your words when you were angry instead of hitting," a child … of others (empathy). For example, asking "How do you think your friend felt when you were teasing her?" helps your child understand that their actions affect others. …
Health topics
… choices Find healthier substitutes for high-fat snacks. If your favourite high-fat snack is potato chips and dip, try … example, keep healthy snacks with you at work or school, in your car, and at home. If you have a healthy snack easily … cheese and sliced tomatoes or red pepper strips. Make your own healthy trail mix with high-fibre cereal, dried …
HealthLinkBC files
… babies and toddlers. This handout provides information about eating well while following a vegan eating pattern … babies are ready to start solid foods around 6 months old. Your baby can eat many of the same foods enjoyed by the rest … that: Are prepared to a safe texture. Offer new textures as your baby gets older Have different tastes and colours Are …
Health topics
… artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery is a little different. Your road to recovery has many steps, including time in the … rehabilitation program. You will hear a common theme during your recovery: Everyone heals at a different pace. Recovery from CABG surgery is a long process. And your experience may be a little different than the typical …