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6358 results found
Health topics
… Home treatment may help to reduce cancer pain and improve your physical and mental well-being. Talk to your doctor about any home treatment you may use. Heat and cold. Heat …
Health topics
… are a health problem. They can cause big changes in how your child feels and behaves. All kids have strong emotions … with no obvious cause. Bursts of energy or excitement. Talking too fast or too loud, or jumping from topic to … get help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week If your child talks about suicide, self-harm, a mental health crisis, a …
Health topics
… gently encourage someone who uses tobacco to quit. Think of your comments as only one event that may move that person … of quitting in a gentle way. Ask if it's okay to talk about it. If it is, ask what they think about quitting. Let … ask what you can do. Don't assume that the person wants your help or that you know the best way to help. If a person …
Health topics
… time, one of the best ways you can help them is by offering your support and showing you care. Here's how. Be present for them. Make plans to hang out, or invite your friend to go do something. Even if your friend says no, … is really hard. It's okay to feel angry." If you're worried about saying the right thing, you can always say "I'm so …
Health topics
… 13 to 21 On this page: If your child with Down syndrome is an adolescent or young … plan as your child approaches the teen years. Think about what types of future services will be needed, who will … your child's regularly scheduled checkups. In addition to talking about health problems, your doctor may talk with you …
Health topics
… Give Yourself a Break: Practicing Self-Compassion On this page: … value of showing kindness and compassion to others. But how about when it comes to ourselves? Being kind and compassionate to yourself is just as important. And with practice, you can …
Health topics
… work and family stresses would make it worse. "We talked about how to prevent this," Cheryl says. "My counsellor … depression at bay by challenging negative thinking and talking to friends. She'll listen to music or watch … to let what you're thinking out," she says. "If you keep your thoughts in, they will never be quiet. It helps my …
Medical tests
… get one if a test shows that you have blood or protein in your urine. The biopsy is usually done by putting a long, … will take 15 to 30 minutes. The whole procedure will take about an hour. After the procedure, you'll stay in the … rejection, or failure. Acute Kidney Injury Chronic Kidney Disease Medical Tests: Questions to …
Health topics
… treatments are safe to use when you're pregnant. Talk to your doctor about the safest treatment for you. What are the risks of … are. Never stop taking or reduce your medicines without talking to your doctor. You might have to wait until your
Health topics
… Overview Speech and language lessons start in the uterus. Your developing baby hears and responds to familiar voices. Soon after birth, your baby prefers and responds more to the mother's voice than to any other. And your newborn can recognize whether sounds are part of his or …