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Health topics
… minutes once an hour for the first 6 hours. When you aren't using ice, keep a cool, wet cloth on the bite for up to 6 … help relieve pain. If your skin reacts to the spray, stop using it. Calamine lotion applied to the skin may help … Insect Repellents Ticks: How to Avoid and Remove Ticks Using Cold and Heat Therapies Preparing For Your Appointment …
Health topics
… is worse than normal Do you think that a medicine may be causing the weakness or fatigue? Think about whether the weakness or fatigue started after you began using a new medicine or a higher dose of a medicine. Yes … Do you think that a mental health problem could be causing the fatigue? Fatigue is a common symptom of problems …
Health topics
… adults, who may take many medicines at the same time. Misusing a medicine or alcohol use disorder . Drug intoxication … about whether the memory problems started when you began using a new medicine or a higher dose of a medicine. Yes … with judgment or problem solving Are these symptoms causing problems in your daily life? Yes Problems with …
Health topics
… like to try. And let your doctor know if you are already using any complementary therapies. They are not meant to … like to try. And let your doctor know if you are already using any complementary therapies. They are not meant to …
Health topics
… Hallucinations. Delusions. Thoughts and speech that are confusing. Cognitive symptoms. These symptoms have to do with … you may have had, such as hearing voices or having confusing thoughts. You will have a physical examination. Your … facial cues that show how you feel. Have a hard time focusing or paying attention. You may not understand how to use …
Health topics
… or reverse early rotator cuff damage without surgery. Try using rest, ice and heat, anti-inflammatory medicines, and … torn your rotator cuff in a sudden injury and the tear is causing shoulder weakness. But surgery can't fully reverse … may cause shoulder stiffness or even a frozen shoulder. Using ice packs, followed by moist heat on the shoulder. …
Health topics
… rash on one side Do you think that a medicine could be causing the rash? Think about whether the rash appeared after you began using a new medicine or a higher dose of a medicine.  Yes Medicine may be causing rash No Medicine may be causing rash Is the rash …
Health topics
… who may have suicide plan Is a concern about abuse causing feelings of anxiety or depression? Yes Concern about abuse causing feelings of anxiety or depression No Concern about abuse causing feelings of anxiety or depression Are you concerned …