6207 results found
Health topics
… More fluid collects and pushes against the eardrum, causing pain and sometimes a temporary loss of hearing. Fever … may include vomiting, diarrhea, and an allergic reaction. Using antibiotics too often for ear infections can make it … Equally important More important I'm not concerned that using antibiotics a lot could make them not work in the …
Health topics
… is considered minor surgery. It can usually be done using local anesthesia. Your doctor will make a small … after the procedure. Blood clots may form in your arms, causing a lot of swelling. A lung could collapse … a pacemaker You take medicines for whatever disease is causing your heart rate problem. You will continue to have a …
Health topics
… Fats, and Blood Sugar Cardiac Cachexia Caregiving: Using a Bedside Commode (Toilet) Causes of Bleeding in the … Fats, and Blood Sugar Cardiac Cachexia Caregiving: Using a Bedside Commode (Toilet) Causes of Bleeding in the …
Health topics
… prevent a few hernias or prevent a hernia from recurring by using some common self-care steps. Avoid becoming … protein and vitamins that are needed for muscle strength, causing weakness in the muscles of the abdomen. Stop smoking. … that part of the intestine can be cut off (strangulated), causing tissue to die. In a man, if tissue is trapped, the …
Medical tests
Health topics
… are super obese (BMI of 50 or higher) and your weight is causing serious health problems. These procedures can be done … procedure). Or they can be done by making a small cut and using small tools and a camera to guide the surgery ( … body mass index (BMI) of 50 or higher) and your weight is causing serious health problems. It is important to think of …
Health topics
… family's eating behaviour. Has started to transition from using the sucking reflex to swallowing and does not push a … starting around 6 months of age. Work toward a goal of not using a bottle or sippy cup by 12 to 18 months of age. When … family's eating behaviour. Has started to transition from using the sucking reflex to swallowing and does not push a …
Health topics
Health topics
… to make them healthier. For example, make pizza at home using low-fat mozzarella cheese and lots of fresh … to make them healthier. For example, make pizza at home using low-fat mozzarella cheese and lots of fresh …
Health topics
… kinds of bacteria and viruses may also play a role in causing the disease. Crohn's disease may run in families. … kinds of bacteria and viruses may also play a role in causing the disease. Crohn's disease may run in families. …