787 results found
Health topics
… still for a period of time, try putting one foot up on a stool or changing positions every few minutes. Get gentle … still for a period of time, try putting one foot up on a stool or changing positions every few minutes. Get gentle …
Health topics
… climb or reach high. If climbing is essential, use a step stool with handrails. Keep driveways, sidewalks, and … climb or reach high. If climbing is essential, use a step stool with handrails. Keep driveways, sidewalks, and …
Medical tests
… cells. Bilirubin is then removed from the body through the stool (feces) and gives stool its normal colour. Bilirubin circulates in the … cells. Bilirubin is then removed from the body through the stool (feces) and gives stool its normal colour. Bilirubin …
HealthLinkBC files
… Polio can be spread by contact with the bowel movements (stool) of an infected person. This can happen from eating food or drinking water contaminated with stool. Tetanus, diphtheria and polio are now rare in B.C. …
Health topics
… will send a sample of your infected wound, blood, urine, or stool to a lab. The lab will grow the bacteria and then test … may include sending samples of your blood, urine, or stool to a lab to see if you still have VRE in your body. … will send a sample of your infected wound, blood, urine, or stool to a lab. The lab will grow the bacteria and then test …
Health topics
… the liver and kidneys, and it leaves the body in urine and stool. During pregnancy, the mother's body removes the extra … keep bilirubin moving out of the body through urine and stool. Set up a routine checkup before you leave the … the liver and kidneys, and it leaves the body in urine and stool. During pregnancy, the mother's body removes the extra …
Health topics
… relieved with diet, lots of fluids, physical activity, and stool softeners … Your body after pregnancy …
Medical tests
… of the tracer will leave your body through your urine or stool within a day. So be sure to flush the toilet right … of the tracer will leave your body through your urine or stool within a day. So be sure to flush the toilet right …
Health topics
… you stand for long periods of time, put one foot on a small stool. Switch feet now and then. Use proper lifting … you stand for long periods of time, put one foot on a small stool. Switch feet now and then. Use proper lifting …
Health topics
… at the pictures. The capsule passes out of your body in the stool in a day or two. What are the advantages? Video … at the pictures. The capsule passes out of your body in the stool in a day or two. What are the advantages? Video …