6209 results found
Health topics
… Pay attention to the substances that kids this age are using, the way they dress, and how they're using the latest cell phones, social media, and other … Pay attention to the substances that kids this age are using, the way they dress, and how they're using the latest …
Health topics
Medical tests
Medical tests
Medical tests
… Antibody testing should be done in a two-step process, using the ELISA followed by the Western blot test. The … Antibody testing should be done in a two-step process, using the ELISA followed by the Western blot test. The …
Medical tests
… the culture is positive. The type of germ may be identified using a microscope or chemical tests. Sometimes other tests … Find and identify certain types of organisms that are causing infections or diseases. These include food-borne … urine mixed with it). Sometimes a stool sample is collected using a rectal swab. The swab is inserted into the rectum, …
HealthLinkBC files
… it is important for you to wash your hands regularly using hand soap and water. Using an alcohol hand rub may help stop you from spreading … smoking or applying personal care products, and after using the toilet. Wash your hands well for at least 20 …
Health topics
Health topics
Medical tests