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Health topics
… looked at, a surgeon can do so through a small incision using laparoscopy or through a larger abdominal incision ( … removed. During surgery, a non-cancerous cyst that is causing symptoms can be removed (cystectomy), leaving the … situations: An ovarian cyst is large. An ovarian cyst is causing symptoms, such as pain. An ovarian cyst that is being …
Health topics
… your knees bent. Raise your hips up by about 30 cm (12 in.) using large pillows (such as couch cushions) placed under … your knees bent. Raise your hips up by about 30 cm (12 in.) using large pillows (such as couch cushions) placed under …
Health topics
… The eye doctor then seals the tear in the retina using a freezing probe or laser beam. The bubble helps to … The eye doctor then seals the tear in the retina using a freezing probe or laser beam. The bubble helps to …