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6211 results found
Health topics
… razor, a knife edge, or the edge of a credit card. Use ice. Using an ice pack can help relieve pain. Try medicines to … cases, weight. You may need to check with your doctor about using these medicines. If a sting leaves open sores, clean … freshwater shower will cause the larvae to sting. Use ice. Using an ice pack can help relieve pain. Try medicines to …
Health topics
… your wrist. Stop any activity that you think may be causing finger, hand, or wrist numbness or pain. If your … thumb while doing simple tasks such as opening a jar or using a screwdriver. With long-term carpal tunnel syndrome, … Permanent damage to the median nerve. You may have trouble using the hand. When to Call a Doctor Call 9-1-1 or go to an …
Health topics
… noise and aging. Being exposed to everyday noises, such as using a power lawn mower, can lead to hearing loss over many … to everyday noises, such as listening to very loud music or using a power lawn mower, can damage the structures of the … as the doorbell, a ringing telephone, or a baby monitor) by using louder sounds, lights, or vibrations to get your …
Medical tests
… own cells as though they were foreign substances, often causing them to be damaged or destroyed. Rheumatoid arthritis … own cells as though they were foreign substances, often causing them to be damaged or destroyed. Rheumatoid arthritis …