6212 results found
Medical tests
Health topics
… hypercortisolism. What causes it? The most common cause is using corticosteroid medicines , such as prednisone, for a … find out from these examinations if steroid medicine is causing the problem. If you don't take steroid medicine or your doctor thinks something other than medicine is causing your symptoms, you may have tests, such as: Tests to …
Health topics
Health topics
… doctor may do tests to check for a disease that could be causing your hair loss. Tests include: Hair analysis. Your … doctor may do tests to check for a disease that could be causing your hair loss. Tests include: Hair analysis. Your …
Medical tests
… a long time. Risks The chance of a coronary calcium scan causing a problem is small. There is a risk of damage to cells … a long time. Risks The chance of a coronary calcium scan causing a problem is small. There is a risk of damage to cells …
Health topics
Health topics
… on the inside of your wrist Check bath water temperature by using your elbow Keep the temperature in your hot water … before feeding your baby and after sneezing, coughing, using the bathroom or handling diapers or pets. Make sure …
Health topics
… Starts speaking more slowly than in the past. Starts using poor judgment and making wrong decisions. May have … Starts speaking more slowly than in the past. Starts using poor judgment and making wrong decisions. May have …
Health topics
… Think about whether a medical or mental health problem is causing you to sleep poorly. Treating a long-term sleep … include drinking caffeine before bedtime, watching TV or using your phone in bed, and not keeping a regular schedule … you. Do you think that a mental health problem could be causing your sleep problems? Sleep problems are a common …
Health topics
… be used before or after surgery. Radiation may be given by using a machine outside the body (external radiation). Or it … like to try. And let your doctor know if you are already using any complementary therapies. They are not meant to … be used before or after surgery. Radiation may be given by using a machine outside the body (external radiation). Or it …