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6351 results found
Health topics
… With Jet Lag Actionset Overview You can't wait to go to your sister's wedding and see family and friends. But you're … you have trouble sleeping, even though you're tired. And your stomach is giving you problems. You have jet lag. Jet lag happens when you fly across one or more time zones. Most people need to cross three time zones to …
Health topics
… disorder (TMD) , you can try ice or heat to relieve your pain. Put either an ice pack or a warm, moist cloth on your jaw for 15 minutes several times a day. You can try switching back and forth between …
Health topics
… Eating Disorders: Feeling Better About Yourself On this page: Overview Overview … are often very self-critical. Learning to be easier on yourself is essential. Try some of the following ideas to … if you are feeling weak. Everything you do may take more time and effort. Do not expect to do all the things you want …
Health topics
… a low blood sugar level problem. Fill out a record each time this happens. Take the completed form(s) with you when you visit your child's doctor. If your child is having low blood sugar problems, his or her …
Healthy eating
… Spanish Document Vietnamese Have you ever stood in front of your refrigerator or kitchen cupboard and wondered what you … is recommended. They may also be lower in the nutrients your body needs. Benefits of meal planning Meal planning is … at how you’re eating overall, rather than one meal at a time. This gives you a better sense of whether you’re …
Health topics
… (BPPV), you may have to deal with vertigo throughout your life. The spinning sensation it causes puts you at risk for falling and can also affect your quality of life if it interferes with your level of … and marching in place. These are "beginner" exercises. Over time, you may try level 2 exercises, such as turning in …
Health topics
… Overview Heart failure means that your heart muscle doesn't pump as much blood as your body needs. Because your heart can't pump well, your … to the effects of heart failure in the short term. But over time it can make heart failure worse by further enlarging …
Health topics
… Overview Here are some ideas for making the most of your intimate time with your partner. Think about what could help you be more …
Health topics
… a dome, and it has a firm, flexible rim. It fits inside your vagina and covers the cervix, which is the opening of the uterus. You use the diaphragm each time you have vaginal sex. You must use spermicide with it. … sex, apply spermicide to the diaphragm and place it in your vagina. If you have sex more than 1 to 2 hours after …
Health topics
… pregnancy for 2.5 to 10 years, depending on the type. Your doctor will remove your IUD after this time or if you have a medical problem. It's always your