6341 results found
Health topics
… or objects contaminated with norovirus, and then placing your hand in your mouth. Having direct contact with someone who is … and can spread rapidly throughout these environments. Keep your child at home while they are sick and for a few days …
Health topics
… typically come on quickly. How severe they are depends on your susceptibility to the toxin, how much contaminated food you ate, how much of the toxin you ingested, and your general health. The condition is typically over in a … based on a medical history and a physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms, your …
Medical tests
… tubal ligation has been successful. How To Prepare Schedule your test for when you won't be having your period. Your doctor may suggest that the test be done soon after …
Medical tests
… How To Prepare Do not use mouthwash before you collect your sputum sample. Some types of mouthwash can kill bacteria and could affect your results. If bronchoscopy will be used to collect your sputum sample, your doctor will tell you how soon …
Medical tests
… hours before the test. Because this is a test involving your heart, you may have to stay overnight in the hospital … help you relax. You will get a shot of anesthetic to numb your skin and deeper tissues. Then a long, thin needle will be carefully inserted just below your breastbone. (In some cases, the needle is inserted …
Health topics
… on the eye. You will also get instructions on how to manage your pain. Someone must drive you home and then back to the … next day. During this second visit, the surgeon will check your eye and prescribe eyedrops to prevent infection and … next week and then throughout the first year after surgery. Your eye will feel irritated and scratchy on the day of …
Health topics
… with diarrhea. You can become infected if you do not wash your hands after contact with these feces. Reptiles, baby … likely to carry Salmonella . You should always wash your hands immediately after handling one of these animals, … completely, although it may be several months before your bowel habits are entirely normal. A small number of …
Health topics
… with stool may be a sign of a more serious problem.) Tell your doctor if you have any bleeding with a bowel movement. … diagnosed? A doctor can diagnose an anal fissure based on your symptoms and a physical examination. The examination … disease or a weakened immune system . How can you care for yourself at home? If your doctor prescribed cream or …
Health topics
… you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed to help people take an … Prev Next > slide 2 of 6, Insert the needle., Keeping your fingers off the plunger, hold the syringe like a pencil … to give the medicine. Hold the nasal spray device between your thumb and forefingers. Put the tip of the device into …
Health topics
… most often in the summer. Diagnosing marine toxin poisoning Your doctor will do a medical history and a physical examination and ask you questions about your symptoms and any fish you have recently eaten. … Cooking does not destroy the toxins in seafood, so buy your seafood from a good source. These are the types of …