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3808 results found
… monitoring, counseling, behavioral contract, lifestyle changes). How To Use Read the Medication Guide provided by … breathing during sleep (sleep apnea) mental/mood changes (such as agitation, confusion, hallucinations) … withdrawal symptoms, including diarrhea, severe mental/mood changes (such as anxiety, irritability, trouble sleeping), …
… pain numbness/tingling of the hands/feet/arms/legs vision changes signs of infection (such as fever, chills, swollen … you have any serious side effects, including: mental/mood changes (such as depression, anxiety) easy bruising/bleeding … pain numbness/tingling of the hands/feet/arms/legs vision changes signs of infection (such as fever, chills, swollen …
… you have any serious side effects, including: mental/mood changes (such as confusion, hallucinations) shaking trouble … of this drug, especially dizziness, drowsiness, mental/mood changes, constipation, trouble urinating, fast heartbeat, and blood pressure changes. Dizziness, drowsiness and confusion can increase …
… if you have any serious side effects, including: vision changes (such as blurred/decreased vision, flashes of light, … the nose). This drug may make you dizzy or cause vision changes. Alcohol or marijuana (cannabis) can make you more … if you have any serious side effects, including: vision changes (such as blurred/decreased vision, flashes of light, …
… unusual/sudden weight gain) blood in the stools mental/mood changes severe headache easy bruising or bleeding leg pain … with speaking/chewing/swallowing/facial movements vision changes joint pain butterfly-shaped rash on the nose and … unusual/sudden weight gain) blood in the stools mental/mood changes severe headache easy bruising or bleeding leg pain …
Health topics
… Infection with a virus (viral or post-viral rhinitis). Changes in the weather. Dry air. Polluted air, such as from … such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and hormones. Hormone changes in the body (such as rhinitis of pregnancy). Alcohol … Infection with a virus (viral or post-viral rhinitis). Changes in the weather. Dry air. Polluted air, such as from …
Health topics
… curettage and electrosurgery for skin cancer include: Skin changes, such as scarred or tight skin, slightly indented or … curettage and electrosurgery for skin cancer include: Skin changes, such as scarred or tight skin, slightly indented or …
Health topics
… that caused your tennis elbow. Or you may have to make some changes to the way you do that activity from now on. Why It … that caused your tennis elbow. Or you may have to make some changes to the way you do that activity from now on. Why It …