3808 results found
… dark urine) numbness/tingling of arms/legs mental/mood changes (such as confusion, depression, anxiety, memory … dark urine) numbness/tingling of arms/legs mental/mood changes (such as confusion, depression, anxiety, memory …
… pain, yellowing eyes/skin, dark urine) vision changes (such as decreased/blurred vision) Get medical help … pain, yellowing eyes/skin, dark urine) vision changes (such as decreased/blurred vision) Get medical help …
HealthLinkBC files
… the toilet: Wait for a time when there aren’t other big changes in your child’s life to get started Make sure that … your child shows signs of being ready again. Be aware that changes, such as moving to a new house, starting playschool, … will try to use the toilet again after they adjust to any changes in their life. Remember that accidents will happen. …
Health topics
Health topics
… Crying more than usual. Headache that does not go away. Changes in the way they play or act. Changes in the way they nurse, eat, or sleep. Being upset … a concussion. These tests can also show if you have any changes in emotions or mood after a concussion. Sometimes a …
Health topics
Health topics
… Changing your thinking If you need to make some lifestyle changes to become more active, you'll have more success if … avoid dehydration when you exercise. Heat exhaustion , heatstroke , or dehydration may be caused by exercising in heat … avoid dehydration when you exercise. Heat exhaustion , heatstroke , or dehydration may be caused by exercising in heat …
… if you or your family/caregiver notice any unusual/sudden changes in your mood, thoughts, or behavior including signs … if you or your family/caregiver notice any unusual/sudden changes in your mood, thoughts, or behavior including signs …