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Health topics
… Works Risks Surgery Overview In vacuum aspiration, a doctor uses gentle suction to remove the contents of the uterus. … suction) aspiration. Manual vacuum aspiration involves the use of a specially designed syringe to apply suction. A thin … remove the tissue. Electric vacuum aspiration involves the use of a thin tube that is attached to a pump. The tube is …
Health topics
… Mini-Pill On this page: Overview Overview Mini-pills are used to prevent pregnancy. They release a regular dose of a … your period. How well do they work? In the first year of use: When mini-pills are taken exactly as directed , fewer … Barrier methods include condoms and diaphragms. They may cause fewer side effects than combination birth control pills. …
Medical tests
… The following types of dental X-rays are commonly used. The X-rays use small amounts of radiation. Bitewing. These X-rays show … and lower back teeth in a single view. These X-rays are used to check for decay between the teeth and to show how …
Medical tests
… is a type of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan that uses a magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy to … of the blood vessel walls can be seen. The test is often used to look at the blood vessels that go to the brain, … is placed inside an MRI machine. Contrast material is often used during MRA to make blood vessels show up more clearly. …
Health topics
… happens during recovery depends on the surgical technique used and the location of the incisions. After knee … after 1 or 2 days. Why It Is Done Synovectomy may be used to treat joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis that … after 6 to 12 months of drug treatment, including the use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). How …
Health topics
… fall asleep, set an alarm clock to go off in 20 minutes. Use heating pads set on low or medium, never on high. Try … pain and stiffness in your hands or feet. It is especially useful before exercise. Your physiotherapist can teach you to use paraffin at home. Osteoarthritis …
Health topics
… sterile bandage or cloth. If you don't have a sterile one, use a clean bandage or cloth. Do not use fluffy cotton bandages around the eye. They could tear … the area around the eye. If blisters form, do not pop them. Use a light, cool compress to reduce the pain. If a small …
Health topics
… and rebuild your energy. Lack of sleep over time can cause sleep deprivation, or sleep debt. This affects your … We all have trouble sleeping sometimes. Whatever the cause, there are things you can do to sleep better. Improve … can help. Here are some things you can do to sleep better. Use your bedroom only for sleeping and sex. Try not to use
Health topics
… You may get nosebleeds during pregnancy. That's because there is more blood flow to the tissue inside the nose … the mouth and gums when you are pregnant. This may also cause bleeding, especially when you brush your teeth. Your gums may be more swollen than usual. It may help to use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Regular visits to your …
Medical tests
… you take a temperature, read the instructions for how to use your type of thermometer. Oral (by mouth) is the most … common method of taking a temperature. This method can be used for children who are older than 5 years of age. For you … be able to breathe through their nose. If they can't, then use the rectum, ear, or armpit to take the temperature. …