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6204 results found
Health topics
… intestine. Both types of peptic ulcers are most commonly caused either by infection with Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori ) bacteria or by frequent use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) . The … you in the middle of the night. Symptoms alone cannot be used to distinguish a gastric ulcer from a duodenal ulcer. …
Health topics
… Acupressure is based on Eastern medicine practices used to open up blocked energy pathways in the body. Instead … treat a given ailment. Constant pressure on the P6 point is used to prevent or reduce nausea. The P6 point is on the inner side of your arm, in line …
Health topics
… often. Most of the time, the person on whom the needle was used doesn't have hepatitis, HIV, or another infection that … to blood: Wash needle sticks and cuts with soap and water. Use water to flush splashed blood from your nose, mouth, or skin. Wash your eyes. Use a steady stream of clean water, a saltwater solution, or …
Health topics
… Cancer Pain On this page: Overview Health Tools Cause Different Kinds of Pain When To Call a Doctor Treatment … Both prescription and over-the-counter medicines may be used. Your doctor may suggest different drugs, different … or different doses as your pain changes. A doctor may use treatments such as radiation or surgery. These …
Health topics
… a person's chest and breathing into his or her mouth. It is used in emergencies when someone's heart stops beating, or … B for breathing The CPR Basics has the basic steps for CPR. Use it for quick information on hand placement for chest … recommends taking a class on how to give CPR and then use the steps below as a reference. Step 1. Check to see if …
Health topics
… and don't tell each one about the medicines you take. You use more than one drugstore. Unless you tell them, those … them. Barriers and solutions Barrier Solution "Medicines cause side effects that bother me." "The medicine makes me … taking may change what another medicine does. This can cause worse side effects or make a problem worse. Ask your …
Medical tests
… irregular, or if you have stopped menstruating due to menopause or the removal of your uterus (hysterectomy), do your … to remember. A breast self-examination normally doesn't cause any discomfort. If your breasts are tender because your menstrual period is about to begin, you may feel …
Health topics
… part or all of the breast is removed ( mastectomy ) because of cancer. It may also be done for people who have … dorsi (LD) flap is a type of pedicle flap surgery. It uses muscle, fat, and skin from the upper back that is … takes fat and skin from the lower belly area but doesn't use the muscle. By saving the muscle, it helps avoid later …
Health topics
… caffeine can make you feel nervous or grouchy. And it can cause an upset stomach, diarrhea, and headaches. Alcohol … as they really are. Mixing caffeine with alcohol may cause you to drink more. That's because the caffeine may keep you awake longer. Pregnancy In …
Health topics
… or plates. The surgery takes 2 to 4 hours. Most doctors use general anesthesia, so you'll be asleep. But the surgery … a metal triangle called a trapeze over your bed. You can use this to help move yourself around in bed. You will be … older people, are never able to move as well as they used to. You will slowly return to most of your activities. …