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Health topics
… supplies blood to the brain. Most brain aneurysms don't cause problems. Sometimes an aneurysm bursts, or ruptures. … The bleeding may lead to brain damage or even death. What causes it? A person may inherit the tendency to form aneurysms, or aneurysms may develop because of hardening of the arteries ( atherosclerosis ) and …
Health topics
… in your body. Some hormones regulate the way your body uses energy. Problems can happen when your hormone levels … drop as a result of a normal change too, like with menopause. Whatever the case, our topics can help you learn about … Tests Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Hyperthyroidism: Should I Use Antithyroid Medicine or Radioactive Iodine? Menopause: …
Health topics
… HIV. Using a needle or syringe that has previously been used by a person who is infected with HIV. Needles include those used for injecting drugs or steroids or those used for tattoos. You cannot get HIV through everyday …
Health topics
… the skin of the foot. It's the most common skin infection caused by a fungus. Athlete's foot can cause itching, peeling, and cracking on the bottoms of the … antifungal lotions, creams, or sprays usually are used first. These include clotrimazole (Lotriderm) and …
Health topics
… to one side or tilted up or down while breastfeeding. Use one or more pillows to support your arms and the baby. … lap on which to rest your arm at a comfortable level or use a stool to raise your feet. The cradle hold is often … head. The other hand (on the same side as the breast being used) supports the breast and narrows it to help the baby …
Healthy eating
… ways your school may restrict the influences of marketing Use the Checklist when preparing freshly made food to be sold at school events such as bake sales. You can also use pre-scored recipes from Bake Better Bites and Tips and … on marketing healthier food as part of school projects Use the Guidelines in class projects. For example, students …
HealthLinkBC files
… Vietnamese What is norovirus? Norovirus is a virus that causes acute gastroenteritis, an infection of the digestive … vomiting, and/or diarrhea. Other symptoms include nausea, cramping, chills and fever. The illness usually begins … Is there a treatment? Medications are not usually used to treat norovirus. People infected with norovirus …
Health topics
… acute kidney injury (also known as acute renal failure) cause the kidneys to lose their ability to filter and remove … extra fluid from the body. Hemodialysis is a process that uses a man-made membrane (dialyzer) to: Remove wastes, such … catheter is a tube placed in your neck or chest. It's used for a short time only. Things to consider Hemodialysis …
Health topics
… so it is important to take steps at home to prevent it. Use extra care with foods that can spoil, such as eggs, … by rinsing them well with running water. If possible, use two cutting boards: one for fresh produce and the other … wash the cutting board with hot, soapy water between each use. If you have a dishwasher, wash your knives and cutting …
Health topics
… Overview A medical abortion is the use of medicines like methotrexate and/or misoprostol to end a pregnancy. Usually two medicines are used. You take one medicine. Within 2 days after the first … medicine. The timing depends on how the doctor tells you to use them. What is a self-managed medical abortion? In a …