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Health topics
… for a time after the birth. When a general anesthetic is used, the mother is unconscious through her baby's birth. … during an emergency caesarean. If regional anesthetic is used during a caesarean, the mother stays awake. But she may … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… if you: Have had sexual intercourse and you have not used any method of birth control. Have missed one or more … include: Fatigue. Breast tenderness or enlargement. Nausea or vomiting. Increased urination. Have done a home … are sexually active, you can become pregnant, even if you use birth control. If you think you might be pregnant, do a …
Health topics
… consider treatment to prevent future infections. One option used a lot in the past is long-term oral antibiotic … doctors don't want to prescribe long-term antibiotics, because they are not sure that they really work. Also, when antibiotics are used too often, bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics …
Health topics
… Try rocking or distracting your child with a book or game. Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air. Don't use a hot vaporizer. Use only water in the humidifier. Hold your child in your …
Health topics
… Factors (Triggers) That May Cause a Flare-Up of Rosacea On this page: Overview Overview Some things may cause your rosacea to flare up. These are called triggers. … Limit how much of these you drink and eat. Dry skin. Use a moisturizer to protect your face from dryness. Use …
Health topics
… Unprotected intercourse without male or female condom use. Unprotected mouth-to-genital contact. Starting sexual … high-risk behaviour People may have high-risk behaviour because they: May not understand the concern about STIs and how … sex partners. Aren't prepared or don't understand how to use protective measures to prevent STIs. May not be aware of …
Health topics
… the eye with cool water. A clean eyedropper may help. Use caution. Do not try to remove a piece of metal from your … on the eye after flushing with water. Avoid these. Never use tweezers, toothpicks, or other hard items to remove any object. Using these items could cause eye damage. Eye Injuries …
Health topics
… and peripheral arterial disease. You and your doctor can use your risk score to decide if you want to take steps to … male or female. Whether or not you smoke. Your doctor might use a tool to calculate a risk score for you. There are different tools that doctors use. They may show that your risk is higher or lower than it …
Health topics
… Causes of Hair Loss: Medicines and Medical Treatments On this … Information Overview Medicines and medical treatments can cause hair loss . Medicines Many medicines that can cause hair loss include: Medicines used to treat cancer ( …
Health topics
… is a quick and easy way to get the benefits of ice. You can use an ice cube, but it's easier to use an "ice cup" for ice massage. To make an ice cup, fill a … about two-thirds full, and freeze it until it is solid. To use the ice cup, peel off the top of the cup so about 1.5 cm …