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6204 results found
Health topics
… not harm other tissue in the body. While radiation can cause thyroid cancer , treatment of hyperthyroidism with … feel different after treatment. But a few people may have nausea. Within a few days after treatment, the radioactive … contact, kissing, or sex. Sleep alone in a separate room. Use separate towels, washcloths, and sheets. Wash these and …
Health topics
… rough, or scaly or flaky, and it may itch. There are many causes of dry skin. As you age, your skin produces less of the … helps your skin keep its moisture. Dry indoor air can cause your skin to become dry. So can living in climates with … Bathing too often may also dry your skin, especially if you use hot water for your baths or showers. How do you care for …
Health topics
… through the belly or the chest. The chest approach is often used if a person is overweight or has a short esophagus. … doing it. If a person has a hiatal hernia , which can cause gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms, it will … work or your normal routine. If the laparoscopic method is used, you will most likely be in the hospital for only 2 to …
Health topics
… Overview Here are some examples of when IOLs may be used. To replace a lens after cataract surgery Surgery for … ) about what current studies are showing about the use of IOLs in children. To correct nearsightedness, with or without cataracts An IOL may be used for nearsightedness whether or not you have a cataract. …
Health topics
… after meals, or eating very little food. Insulin can cause a person to gain weight, so a teen who uses insulin may skip doses. These actions can be dangerous. … help your teen be successful. It may help for your teen to: Use an insulin pump. Some young people like using the pump …
Medical tests
… as the prostate enlarges with age. PSA may increase because of inflammation of the prostate ( prostatitis ) or … other tests, including a prostate biopsy. This is because other common medical conditions, such as an enlarged prostate and prostatitis, can cause high PSA levels. Check if cancer may be present when …
Health topics
… not a complete list of beta-blockers. Why are beta-blockers used? Beta-blockers are used for many heart and blood vessel problems. They relax … less force. They lower blood pressure. Beta-blockers may be used if you have: Coronary artery disease. Heart failure. …
HealthLinkBC files
… attached garages VOCs can be released from products during use and even in storage. However, the amounts of VOCs … as the product ages. What are some health concerns caused by VOCs? The health effects caused by VOCs depend on the concentration and length of …
Health topics
… took while travelling through his body to his brain. "I used to think tobacco only affected my lungs and my lips. I … a date to quit and figured out which stop-smoking aids to use. In past attempts to quit, John tried both the patch and … nicotine gum, but he didn't read the instructions on how to use them correctly. This time, John was prepared. He learned …
Health topics
… laser epithelial keratomileusis (LASEK) for farsightedness use a laser to reshape the cornea so that light is refocused on the retina . The laser reshapes the cornea … tissues. No surgical cut is needed. Either procedure may be used to correct farsightedness and astigmatism at the same …