6204 results found
Health topics
… also can be scary. If anger leads to violent behaviour or abuse, it's dangerous. Go to a safe place and call for help … must stop right then. Decide on a signal you will use to call a time-out. The signal can be a word that you … solutions to the problem. Listen without interrupting. Use statements starting with "I," such as "I think" or "I …
Health topics
… Why It Is Done Rubber band ligation is the most widely used treatment for internal hemorrhoids. If you still have … surgery may be considered. Rubber band ligation cannot be used if there is not enough tissue to pull into the banding … . Learn more Hemorrhoids: Which Treatment Should I Use? How Well It Works Rubber band ligation works for about …
Health topics
… What are the symptoms? Symptoms may include: Tiredness. Nausea. Diarrhea. Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice). … your hands with soap and clean, running water after you use the toilet and before you prepare or eat food. Related … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Medical tests
… to change galactose into glucose, a sugar that your body uses for energy. A person with galactosemia doesn't have one … urine. When galactose builds up in a baby's blood, it can cause liver damage, problems with eating, and intellectual disabilities. The damage caused by galactosemia can begin within weeks after the baby …
Medical tests
… It Is Done Blood sample from a heel stick A heel stick is used to get a blood sample from a baby. The baby's heel is … was poked. Blood sample from a vein A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. … normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a guide. Your …
Health topics
… a few ways the doctor can remove the tissue. One way is to use a surgical knife called a scalpel. Another way is to use a thin wire loop that's charged with electricity. This … excision procedure (LEEP). Or the doctor can use a laser. You may be asleep during the procedure. But it …
Medical tests
… (ACTH). Cortisol has many functions. It helps the body use sugar (glucose) and fat for energy ( metabolism ), and … . The timing of the cortisol test is very important because of the way cortisol levels vary throughout a day. If … taking the medicine. How It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. …
Medical tests
… levels high during this test. Examples include alcohol use disorder , stress, obesity, kidney failure, pregnancy, … cortisol level stays high, Cushing's syndrome may be the cause. An ACTH test is sometimes done at the same time as the … have a sample of your blood drawn. A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. …
Health topics
… made of fibreglass, but plaster casts are still sometimes used. After a cast is on, you can't remove it yourself. Your … casts may take several days before they are hard enough to use. When it's okay to put weight on your cast, do not stand … few days after your surgery or injury. This is usually because of swelling. Swelling can slow healing and cause pain. …
Health topics
… from sit-down to hand-held. Here are three examples we'll use to build healthy meals. Oatmeal Whole grain tortillas … Or try sprinkling herbs and spices on top before serving. Use what you have and what you like. Oatmeal + blueberries … to your dish. What will make colours and textures pop? Use what you like and what you have. You're the boss. …