6206 results found
Health topics
… may make the skin become thickened and white. Common causes of rectal itching include: Poor cleaning of the area … folds around the anus . Medicines, especially ones that cause diarrhea or constipation. Antibiotics are one example. … of itching and scratching that can be hard to stop. The use of scented toilet paper, scented soap, or ointments …
Health topics
… and the ball at the top of the thigh bone (femur). Doctors use metal, ceramic, or plastic replacement parts. The parts … coating that the bone grows into. Hybrid. This kind of stem uses a combination of cement and porous coating. Your doctor may use regional anesthesia . This means you can't feel the area …
Medical tests
… you wear them). Several types of visual acuity tests may be used. Refraction test. This test shows your level of … the nerve layer ( retina ) at the back of the eye. This causes blurred vision. Refraction is done as a routine part of … corrected by glasses. Visual field tests. These tests are used to check for gaps in your side (peripheral) vision. …
Medical tests
… Test Overview An echocardiogram (also called an echo) uses sound waves to make an image of your heart. A device … Is Done This test is done to check your heart health. It's used for many reasons. For example, it may be done to: Check a heart murmur. Look for the cause of shortness of breath or unexplained chest pains. Check …
Medical tests
… bone has been fractured or a joint dislocated . It is also used to check for an injury or damage from conditions such … . Why It Is Done Extremity X-rays are done to: Find the cause of pain in an extremity. See if your bone is fractured … an artificial joint in a bone. Find changes in your bones caused by conditions such as an infection, arthritis, bone …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Electrical stimulation is used to treat urinary incontinence by sending a mild … sessions twice a day. This kind of stimulation has been used for both urge and stress incontinence. How vaginal or … may also encourage the growth of nerve cells that cause the muscles to contract. Electrical stimulation of the …
Medical tests
… up to 3-4 days after a possible overdose. Check for drug use in the workplace. Testing is common for people who work … screen as part of the hiring process. Check for drug use in people going through a drug treatment program. Look for the use of drugs that enhance athletic ability. Check for the …
Health topics
… program—such as jogging or biking. And you can also use more energy by changing some of your routine activities, … aerobic activities. Exercise programs Aerobic exercise is used in weight-loss programs. It burns calories and … and waxing a car. Raking leaves or shovelling snow. (Don't use a blower!) Washing windows or floors. Gardening. Pushing …
Health topics
… isn't always intentional, and a bite from a child rarely causes serious injury to another person or poses any health … face cloth or clean, solid teething ring to chew on. Don't use fluid-filled teething rings. For children ages 8 to 14 … express their feelings. For example, say something like, "Use your words to tell Susan that you're angry at her for …
Health topics
… an external defibrillator, which has paddles, might be used. Usually, the person is sedated. If the person is conscious, medicine is given to control pain and to cause the person to relax to the point of being nearly … and after the procedure. Why It Is Done Cardioversion is used: As a non-emergency procedure to stop a heart rhythm …