6208 results found
Medical tests
… liver is not able to convert ammonia to urea. This may be caused by cirrhosis or severe hepatitis . For this test, a … If the sample is taken from a vein A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. … is more painful than collecting it from a vein. That's because the arteries are deeper and are protected by nerves. …
Health topics
… intestine (colon) without being properly digested, it can cause gas, belly pain, bloating, and diarrhea. Some people who … or certain types of milk products without problems. What causes it? Lactose intolerance occurs when the small intestine … and milk products. Try soy beverage and soy cheese. And use non-dairy creamers in your coffee. Use lactase products. …
Health topics
… your chance of having the joint stiffen (contracture). Cause pain and discomfort in and around the swollen tissues. … of bath water or dishwater using your unaffected side. Use pot holders whenever you work near a stove. Turn pot … move it for you. Don't overexercise your arm. This can cause pain and make it hard to exercise. Prevent swelling in …
Health topics
… for varicose veins. Some doctors say swimming is ideal because, in addition to working your legs, it puts the legs at … losing weight if you need to, may help relieve symptoms caused by your varicose veins. Being overweight can increase … varicose veins: Prop up your legs when you are sitting. Use a footrest at work and a footstool or ottoman at home to …
Health topics
… Vein ligation and stripping is a minor surgery. It is used to remove one or more varicose veins. These are … ulcers from returning after treatment. This surgery may be used when: You want to get rid of varicose veins for … A varicose vein bleeds. Open sores (ulcers) develop because of varicose veins or poor blood circulation in a vein. …
Medical tests
… that indicate mononucleosis (mono), which is usually caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) . The antibodies are … check for antibodies to EBV when a person has a disease or uses medicine that causes problems with the immune system. How To Prepare In …
Medical tests
… and passes it on to her growing baby (fetus), it can cause blindness and brain damage in the fetus. You can be … doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. … normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a guide. Your …
Health topics
… friends for help. Then let them help with the babies, the house, and your family's errands. If you are going to … You may be able to breastfeed all your babies. Or you may use your breast pump or formula so that your helpers can … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… if you're feeling better. Not taking medicine is the main cause of relapse. Talk to your doctor about your medicines. If … your wishes for treatment during a relapse. It can be very useful if you have severe symptoms of fear or suspicion of … things yourself. This document is very helpful if you refuse treatment during a relapse when you would otherwise …
Health topics
… of Privacy Act. Personal information will only be used by authorized staff to fulfill the purpose for which it was originally collected or for a use consistent with that purpose unless you expressly … Act. If you have any questions about our collection or use of personal information, please direct your inquiries to …