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6275 results found
Health topics
… go through some physical and emotional problems. That's because the alcohol is clearing out of your system. This is … several days after the last drink. Mild symptoms include: Nausea. Sweating. Shakiness. Diarrhea. Intense worry. … severe symptoms include: Vomiting or belly pain. Being confused, upset, and irritable. Changed sensations. You might …
Health topics
… such as a cleft lip. Death early in life, mainly because of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). A baby with a … when you are pregnant? When you're ready to go smoke-free, use these tips to help you quit: Get ready If you're not … of your cigarettes, ashtrays, and lighters. Clean your house and clothes to get rid of the smoke smell. If you live …
Healthy eating
… found in each of your vending machines and school stores. Use the Scorecard feature of the  Brand Name Food List . … products as  Sell Most , Sell Sometimes and Do Not Sell , use the Nutrient Criteria in the Guidelines or the Brand … or newsletters). Work with vendors to meet the Guidelines Use the contract process to select vendors who are proactive …
Health topics
… your foot and ankle to see if the ligaments work and what causes pain. How is an ankle sprain treated? At first, you may … sprain is called the RICE approach: Rest. You may need to use crutches until walking isn't painful without them. Ice. … of your weight off your ankle as it heals. If so, learn to use your crutches or your walker properly and safely. After …
Health topics
… You'll reduce the health risks for your family members caused by second-hand smoke. Your kids will be less likely to … you identify the things that are likely to trigger tobacco use and how you'll manage them. You also think about what … hard to quit? Nicotine is addictive. Quitting is hard because your body depends on the nicotine in tobacco. It's also …
Medical tests
… screen is a blood test that measures the levels of several substances in the blood (such as electrolytes ). A chemistry … problem is working. Some chemistry screens look at more substances in the blood than others do. The most complete … you have this test. How It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. …
Health topics
… Infertility On this page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention When to Call a … second year of trying. Treatments help many people. What causes it? Most cases of infertility are caused by a problem with the female or male reproductive …
Health topics
… information if you have allergies to medicines or other substances. Medicine or other substance My reaction Stop here. By the end of your … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… triggers. Triggers can bring up stressful feelings or cause you to have flashbacks, which means you feel like you're … reaction. It's normal to stay away from things that cause you stress. Because of this, you may feel like you can't do the things you …
Health topics
… compounds build up in the nerve cells of the brain and cause damage. There are three forms of Tay-Sachs: Infantile … common form. It develops soon after a baby is born and causes death early in childhood. Juvenile Tay-Sachs. This … who have this form may live a normal lifespan. What causes it? Tay-Sachs can occur when parents pass on a changed …