6273 results found
Medical tests
… node tissue to look for cancer. A sentinel node biopsy is used to see if a known cancer has spread from the original … the arm. Your doctor injects a blue dye or special tracer substance or both into the area around the original cancer … the arm. Your doctor injects a blue dye or special tracer substance or both into the area around the original cancer …
Health topics
… to take them without problems. Side effects can include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, belly pain, weight loss, and lack … disease? Alzheimer's disease damages the brain . It causes a steady loss of memory and affects how well you can … gets worse, you may: Have trouble making decisions. Be confused about what time and day it is. Get lost in places you …
Health topics
… A woman's fertility drops from her mid-30s into her 40s because of the natural aging of the egg supply. A man's … lead to infertility? Most cases of infertility are caused by a problem with the reproductive system. This can … or how it moves. An unknown issue. Sometimes the cause of infertility is not known. It can be stressful to find …
Health topics
… at one time or another. Our body movements usually don't cause problems. But sometimes symptoms can develop from everyday wear and tear, overuse, or injury. Neck problems and injuries most often occur … spread to the shoulders, upper back, or arms. Or it may cause a headache. Neck movement may be limited, usually more …
HealthLinkBC files
… is Tuberculosis? Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious disease caused by a germ (bacteria) that spreads through the air when … #51a Tuberculosis (TB) . What is a TB skin test? You can use a TB Skin Test (TST) to look for TB infection. You can … uses a tiny needle to inject a small amount of a test substance called Tubersol® under the top layer of skin on …
Health topics
… to replace your knee. Don't have this surgery. Instead, use other treatments, like exercise, weight loss (if you're … down, the bones start to rub against each other. This causes damage to tissue and bone. The symptoms of … knee replacement surgery? Knee replacement surgery may be used when a person can no longer control knee pain with …
Health topics
… don't treat your depression, it could harm your baby, because people who are depressed can have a hard time caring for … likely to suffer from postpartum depression , which can cause serious problems for both you and your newborn. If you … depression before you got pregnant, stopping now could cause your symptoms to come back. Also, quitting …
HealthLinkBC files
Health topics
… floor. Move furniture and electrical cords out of the way. Use non-skid floor wax, and wipe up spills right away. Keep your house well lit. Use night-lights (or keep the overhead light on at night) in …
Medical tests
… Risks Results Test Overview A CT scan uses X-rays to make detailed pictures of the spine and … and organs easier to see on the CT pictures. The dye may be used to check for blood flow and look for tumours , areas of … disc of the spine. Check to see if osteoporosis has caused compression fractures . Check on problems of the spine …