6273 results found
Health topics
… What is shift work sleep disorder? What problems can it cause? Shift work sleep disorder is trouble sleeping because you work nights or rotating shifts. You also may have … sleeping once in a while, especially if they are getting used to a new work shift. But be sure to talk to your doctor …
Health topics
… Minor arm injuries are common. Symptoms often are caused by everyday wear and tear, overuse, or an injury. Arm injuries are often caused by: Sports … injury, wear a sling if it makes you more comfortable and supports the injured or sore area. Avoid things that might …
Health topics
… usually occurs when a mother makes more milk than her baby uses. Your breasts may become firm and swollen, which can make it hard for your baby to breastfeed. What causes it? Engorgement may happen: When your milk first comes … make and extra blood and fluids in your breasts. Your body uses the extra fluids to make more breast milk for your …
Health topics
… tear in the lining of the lower rectum (anal canal) that causes pain during bowel movements. Anal fissures don't lead … a common problem. They affect people of all ages. What causes it? Anal fissures are caused by injury or trauma to the anal canal. Injury can …
Medical tests
… can include infection (such as from parasites , viruses , or bacteria ), poor nutrient absorption, or cancer. … bile , white blood cells , and sugars called reducing substances. The pH of the stool also may be measured. A … bile , white blood cells , and sugars called reducing substances. The pH of the stool also may be measured. A …
Health topics
… It probably won't get better without treatment. What causes it? Stuttering happens when the brain isn't able to … a developmental delay . In rare cases, stuttering may be caused by brain damage, such as after a head injury or a … or form a sound, but no sound comes out. They may also pause between words or within a word. Use a different word in …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast that is used to screen for breast cancer . Mammograms can find … or on your breasts. The residue left on your skin by these substances may interfere with the X-rays. How It Is Done You … or on your breasts. The residue left on your skin by these substances may interfere with the X-rays. How It Is Done You …
Health topics
… growth triggers symptoms of pregnancy. This tissue can cause serious problems in some cases. So a molar pregnancy … will make sure that all of the tissue is removed. What causes it? Molar pregnancy is thought to be caused by a problem with the genetic information of an egg or …
Health topics
… heat (diathermy) or light (laser photocoagulation) is used to scar the retina and hold it in place until a seal … go home the same day). Local or general anesthesia may be used. Before the surgery, your eye doctor may patch both of … from spreading. Right before surgery, the doctor will use eyedrops to dilate your pupils and may trim your …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview What To Expect After Treatment Why It Is Used How Well It Works Risks What To Think About … a type of immunotherapy treatment in which small doses of substances to which you are allergic ( allergens ) are … a type of immunotherapy treatment in which small doses of substances to which you are allergic ( allergens ) are …