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Health topics
… but still have severe symptoms. Other women decide to use hormone therapy before having surgery. Key points to … When your menstrual periods stop at around age 50 (menopause) and your estrogen levels drop, endometriosis growth and … also stop. In some cases, scar tissue remains after menopause and can cause problems. Taking out the uterus and …
Health topics
… You'll need several months of physiotherapy to get the best use of your new joint. FAQs What is osteoarthritis? … wears away. When this happens, the bones rub together and cause damage and pain. In most cases, it takes years for … and continue to do it for several months to get the best use of your new joint. How well does surgery work? After …
Health topics
… Or you may already know that your chances are higher because of your age and family history. Chorionic villi are tiny … the placenta. This is called transabdominal CVS. The doctor uses ultrasound to guide the catheter or needle to the right … the test. There is a small chance that the test may cause you to have a miscarriage. This means that you could …
Health topics
… in the shape of an area of the body. Swelling can be caused by: A collection of body fluid. Growth of tissue. … may be related to the procedure. Or it may be from a substance, such as dye, used during the procedure. Swelling … may be related to the procedure. Or it may be from a substance, such as dye, used during the procedure. Swelling …
Health topics
… Hemorrhoids On this page: Health Tools Cause Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor … You can have both types at the same time. What causes them? Hemorrhoids are usually caused by too much pressure on the veins in the pelvic and …
Health topics
… from a strict regimen of meals, sleep, and exercise, because you can program it to match your changing schedule. … easier. But it takes some time and effort to learn how to use the pump to keep it working properly and to control your diabetes. When you use a pump, you will need to check your blood sugar many …
Health topics
… and pains in our bones, joints, and muscles. They may be caused by everyday wear and tear, overuse, or aging. Or they may be a result of injury or illness. … Fever Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip Diet and Gout Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH) Discectomy for a …
Health topics
… to a public bank instead. You probably won't be able to use the blood, but it could be used for research or for another child. Private cord blood … at the last minute. Collecting the cord blood does not cause pain. FAQs What is umbilical cord blood? Cord blood is …
Health topics
… minor surgery called microphlebectomy. Procedures that are used to close or remove larger varicose veins and keep them … or clinic. External laser treatment. A laser is a highly focused beam of light. Heat from the laser damages the vein and causes scar tissue, which closes the vein. This laser …
Health topics
… 5 Quiz Yourself 6 Your Summary Get the facts Your options Use treatment, such as medicine, to prevent migraines. Don't use preventive treatment. Instead, treat your migraines only … less severe. Medicines that prevent migraines may cause side effects. Some of these side effects may last for as …