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Health topics
… your baby grow and develop is to communicate with them. Use a high-pitched voice, gentle touch, hugs, and kisses. An … of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a yellow-brown substance produced by the breakdown of red blood cells. … of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a yellow-brown substance produced by the breakdown of red blood cells. …
Health topics
… feeling in the chest. Sweating. Shortness of breath. Nausea or vomiting. Pain, pressure, or a strange feeling in … have other symptoms like shortness of breath, tiredness, nausea, and back or jaw pain. Other causes of chest discomfort or pain Most people fear that chest …
Health topics
… 2 Diabetes On this page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What … rises, cells in the pancreas release insulin , which causes the body to absorb sugar from the blood and lowers the … in the blood rather than entering the body's cells to be used for energy. This results in high blood sugar. It …
Health topics
… Symptoms often develop from everyday wear and tear, overuse, or an injury. Leg injuries are most likely to occur … have a higher risk for injuries and fractures. That's because they lose muscle mass and bone strength ( osteoporosis ) … hours after the injury if it makes you more comfortable and supports the injured area. Avoid more swelling. For the …
Health topics
… and work or projects around the home. They also can be caused by injuries. Leg problems may be minor or serious. They … often develop from exercise, everyday wear and tear, or overuse. Older adults have a higher risk for leg problems. That's because they lose muscle mass as they age. Children may have leg …
Health topics
… out. They are usually paid hourly and maintain general household order. But they are not expected to do housekeeping chores. A parent's helper is similar to a … local university, churches, or community bulletin boards. Use an agency. Some organizations will help you find child …
Health topics
… Sit down with your child and plan out how he or she will use this time allowance. The Canadian Society for Exercise … your child to all recommended routine checkups. You can use this time to discuss with a doctor or public health … growth rate, activity level, and eating habits. What causes poor eating habits? Poor eating habits can develop in …
Health topics
… unplanned. In most cases, doctors do caesarean sections because of problems that arise during labour. Reasons you might … problems this time or your doctor thinks labour might cause your scar to tear (uterine rupture). In some cases, a … to about 1 out of 3 births. footnote 1 This trend has caused experts to worry that C-section is being done more …
Health topics
… remember A herniated disc in the lower back is a common cause of back and leg pain. For most people, symptoms get … slipped or ruptured disc. A herniated disc doesn't always cause symptoms. But when it presses on nerve roots , it can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the area of the body …
Health topics
… younger than 50 are at a lower risk for breast cancer. Because of this, women ages 50 to 70 are more likely to benefit … you don't have cancer. These tests can be harmful and cause a lot of worry. Mammograms may find cancers that will never cause a problem (called overdiagnosis). Some breast cancers …