6275 results found
Health topics
… you go to sleep. Keep your bedroom quiet, dark, and cool. Use curtains, blinds, or a sleep mask to block out light. … soothing music, or a "white noise" machine. Try to not use technology such as TVs, smartphones, computers, or … you work at a desk, do stretches in front of your computer. Use your commute to do some extra walking. Park several …
Health topics
… outside. It depends on how active you already are and how used to hot weather you are. But anytime you exercise, it's … are overweight, have health problems, take medicines, or use alcohol, you may be at a higher risk for heat-related … illness. You may also have trouble if you are not used to exercising in warmer weather. Older adults and …
Health topics
… it can be. Symptoms of breathing problems, itching, nausea or vomiting, and swelling can come on quickly and … with you at all times and to know the right way to use it. It could save your child's life someday. How do you … 4 of 4 < Prev Next > slide 4 of 4, Step 4, Put the used injector, needle-end first, into the storage tube that …
Health topics
… react differently during physical activity. Children who use insulin are at risk for low blood sugar during and after … you and your child can follow. Make sure that your child uses it with the gym teacher or coach too. Check your … of water. This helps to avoid dehydration. (You can also use sports drinks to give your child needed fluids and …
Health topics
… also called atopic dermatitis. It's a skin problem that causes intense itching and a raised rash. Sometimes the rash … Gentle skin care can help improve your skin. Regular use of moisturizers can reduce the itching, keep your rash … your skin hydrated. Find a moisturizer that you like to use. Apply it at least twice a day. Thicker creams or …
Health topics
… supplies blood to the brain. Most brain aneurysms don't cause problems. Sometimes an aneurysm bursts, or ruptures. … The bleeding may lead to brain damage or even death. What causes it? A person may inherit the tendency to form aneurysms, or aneurysms may develop because of hardening of the arteries ( atherosclerosis ) and …
Health topics
… HIV. Using a needle or syringe that has previously been used by a person who is infected with HIV. Needles include those used for injecting drugs or steroids or those used for tattoos. You cannot get HIV through everyday …
Health topics
… the skin of the foot. It's the most common skin infection caused by a fungus. Athlete's foot can cause itching, peeling, and cracking on the bottoms of the … antifungal lotions, creams, or sprays usually are used first. These include clotrimazole (Lotriderm) and …
HealthLinkBC files
… Vietnamese What is norovirus? Norovirus is a virus that causes acute gastroenteritis, an infection of the digestive … vomiting, and/or diarrhea. Other symptoms include nausea, cramping, chills and fever. The illness usually begins … Is there a treatment? Medications are not usually used to treat norovirus. People infected with norovirus …
Health topics
… so it is important to take steps at home to prevent it. Use extra care with foods that can spoil, such as eggs, … by rinsing them well with running water. If possible, use two cutting boards: one for fresh produce and the other … wash the cutting board with hot, soapy water between each use. If you have a dishwasher, wash your knives and cutting …