6277 results found
Health topics
… venous skin ulcer is also called a stasis leg ulcer. What causes it? Venous skin ulcers are caused by poor blood circulation from the legs, such as from … tissue and an ulcer. Veins that become blocked also may cause fluid to pool, leading to these ulcers. Some things can …
Health topics
… is scabies? Scabies is a condition of very itchy skin caused by tiny mites that burrow into your skin. The itching is caused by an allergic reaction to the mites. Scabies spreads … and other personal items. Scabies often affects several household members at the same time. You can spread it to …
Health topics
… is inserted into one of the incisions. The surgeon uses special tools to reach and remove the prostate through … is done to remove prostate cancer. It is most often used if testing shows that the cancer has not spread outside … spread of cancer outside the prostate. It is sometimes used to relieve urinary obstruction in people with advanced …
HealthLinkBC files
… head as little as possible. You may want to take an anti-nausea medication for the symptoms Wear loose clothing and … water. Ice made from purified or disinfected water may be used. Use bottled or boiled water for brushing teeth Make sure …
HealthLinkBC files
… development, behaviour, size and hearing of developing fetuses, infants and young children. The health impact depends … can lead get into my drinking water? Lead was once commonly used in drinking water plumbing, including: bronze, copper and brass pipes, taps, fixtures, and solder (used for joining metal pipes). In 1989, the BC Plumbing Code …
Health topics
… What is listeriosis? Listeriosis is a foodborne illness caused by eating foods contaminated with the Listeria … mothers eat contaminated food during pregnancy. What causes it? The bacteria that causes listeriosis ( L. monocytogenes ) is found in soil and …
Health topics
… This is not a complete list of statins. Why are statins used? Statins are used to lower cholesterol and the risk for a heart attack … may lower the risk that the plaque will break apart and cause a blood clot that can lead to a heart attack or stroke. …
Health topics
… of medicines for bone loss. Why are medicines for bone loss used? Medicines for bone loss are used to both prevent and treat osteoporosis. How do they … side effects? Some of the medicines for bone loss may cause problems with your esophagus. In rare cases, these …
Health topics
… Surgery Overview Retropubic suspension surgery is used to treat urinary incontinence . It lifts the sagging … Burch colposuspension is the most common procedure used for retropubic suspension. The vaginal wall is attached … relief from pain. Why It Is Done Retropubic suspension is used to correct stress incontinence that is caused by …
Health topics
… and over again. Your therapist may also help you learn to use a wheelchair or walker. And they may teach you how to use stairs safely. Occupational therapist. An occupational … may help you learn how to: Prepare meals and clean your house. Drive your car. Use tools and devices that can help if …