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… solving earlier in the day so that you don't carry anxious thoughts to bed. Keep a notepad by your bed to write down any thoughts or worries that may keep you up or wake you up … solving earlier in the day so that you don't carry anxious thoughts to bed. Keep a notepad by your bed to write down …
Health topics
… us overcome them. Dealing With Negative Thoughts Grief and Grieving Grief: Coping With Grief … us overcome them. Dealing With Negative Thoughts Grief and Grieving Grief: Coping With Grief …
Health topics
… few hours of sleep) Talkativeness (more than usual) Racing thoughts Being easily distracted by unimportant things An … few hours of sleep) Talkativeness (more than usual) Racing thoughts Being easily distracted by unimportant things An …
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… is a type of mental illness that involves unhealthy thoughts and behaviours towards food, weight, and your body …