5297 results found
Health topics
… affect how well you sleep. You can use a sleep journal to help you figure out what helps and also what may get in the way of a good night's … How can you sleep better? Here are some tips that may help you sleep more soundly and wake up feeling more …
Healthy eating
… and avocados enriched pasta Folic acid is a B vitamin that helps your body make new cells. Folate is found naturally in … kiwi fruit, citrus or tropical fruit, or bell peppers to help iron absorption. Take a daily multivitamin that has … healthcare provider about the amount of iron you need. Iron helps build new red blood cells and helps them carry oxygen. …
Health topics
… check your fracture risk using a tool such as FRAX to help decide whether you should be screened for osteoporosis. … and when to start bone density screening. The FRAX tool can help predict your risk of having a fracture related to … for a few people, by taking medicine. Lifestyle changes can help reduce the bone loss that leads to low bone density and …
Health topics
… Getting Started Getting Started Tracking your efforts can help you see patterns in your eating and exercise. You can … a step counter. Step counters, also called pedometers, can help you see if you've reached your daily goal for steps. … app on your phone or tablet. There are many apps that can help you record what you eat and how many calories you take …
Health topics
… the infection to other parts of your body. Antibiotics may help you feel better faster. Taking an over-the-counter medicine like acetaminophen can help relieve pain and reduce fever. Prevention Try the following ideas to help prevent strep throat. Avoid contact with anyone who has …
Health topics
… person. Some of the medical emergencies you may find helpful to review are: Burns . Bleeding . See the topic Cuts … local fire department, sheriff, or hospital, if you need help. Legal Protection If you are needed in an emergency, give what help you can. Most provinces have a Good Samaritan law to …
Health topics
… such as ultrasound. How is gout treated? Medicines can help treat gout. To stop a gout attack, your doctor will … start to get better. Resting the joint that hurts can also help you feel better. Taking ibuprofen or another anti-inflammatory medicine can help too. Using ice on the sore joint may also help. To …
Health topics
… described in the topic Making Wise Health Decisions to help you compare your options and decide if the services or … Problem? Make sure you understand how any medical test will help you before you agree to it. For instance, ask your … hear from your doctor, call to get your test results. This helps in three ways: It makes sure you have the results if …
Health topics
… or pharmacist first. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist for help taking your medicine. Try to take each of your … having problems taking your medicines as prescribed, it may help to think about why you're having trouble. What barrier … is a problem, ask if taking the medicine with food will help. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about medicine …
Health topics
… combine medical information with your personal values to help you make a wise health decision. See a list of: … every decision about your health. Good health decisions can help you reduce costs and get better care. A good decision … if you had taken care of the problem sooner. Asking why can help you and your doctor make the decision that's right for …