5302 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… You will find useful resources and strategies below to support you when your baby's crying causes feelings of … of the body and their neck muscles are not strong enough to support the weight of their head. During shaking, an … your baby. If you feel unable to cope, call someone for help once you have put your baby in a safe place or call …
Health topics
… to occur if you are under stress or in a crowd. What can help you get unfrozen? There are several tricks you can learn to help you become "unfrozen" when you have a freezing episode … step, with a long stride. These or other techniques may help you overcome freezing and get moving again. …
Health topics
… may get an imaging test, such as an X-ray or CT scan, to help find the infection. How is sepsis treated? Doctors will … where very sick people get care. Equipment in the ICU can support your body. That includes your breathing, … where very sick people get care. Equipment in the ICU can support your body. That includes your breathing, …
Health topics
… Glaucoma can't be cured. But there are things you can do to help stop more damage to the optic nerve. To help keep your … aids, such as large-print items and special video systems. Support groups can also help you deal with vision loss. Take … around stairways and ramps with paint or tape. Build a support group. It's common to feel sad or angry when you …
Health topics
… Information Overview Nipple shields are devices that can help with certain breastfeeding problems. A nipple shield … Why are nipple shields used? Nipple shields may be helpful for babies who have trouble sucking, such as: … well as full-term babies. Suction is important because it helps the baby get enough of the nipple in his or her mouth. …
Health topics
… wait for stress to become a problem before you ask for help. Your family, friends, and doctor can help you find … together or one at a time, ask for help. Consider joining a support group for parents of twins or more. Sharing your … together or one at a time, ask for help. Consider joining a support group for parents of twins or more. Sharing your …
Health topics
… have bipolar disorder, there are some things you can do to help prevent a manic episode. These include: Learning the … plan in place before any mood changes occur will help your support network help you make good decisions. Reduce stress … plan in place before any mood changes occur will help your support network help you make good decisions. Reduce stress …
Health topics
… for keeping up their energy and their milk production. Help yourself sleep well Avoid or limit caffeine, especially … bedroom quiet, dark, and cool. Try using a sleep mask to help you sleep. Take a warm bath before bed. Make your own … your baby sleeps. In addition to rest, exercise will also help you feel your best. For the time you are breastfeeding, …
Health topics
… have features that will keep your feet comfortable and well supported for that activity. Replace your shoes often if you … body. Another layer should provide warmth (if needed) and support to keep you comfortable as you move. The outermost … have features that will keep your feet comfortable and well supported for that activity. Replace your shoes often if you …
Health topics
… Or the person is at home getting continuous intravenous support for symptom relief or being supported with a mechanical circulatory assistive device. Or … Or the person is at home getting continuous intravenous support for symptom relief or being supported with a …