4620 results found
Health topics
… page: What is croup? Croup is a common respiratory problem in … get better in several days with rest and care at home. What causes it? Croup usually occurs a few days after the … child fight off some of the viruses that can lead to croup. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of croup are caused by …
Health topics
… page: What are cold sores? Cold sores , sometimes called fever … most contagious until the blisters are completely healed. What causes them? Cold sores are caused by the herpes … you can spread the virus even if you don't have blisters. What are the symptoms? The first symptoms of cold sores may …
Healthy eating
… you can take 1. Look for ‘red flags’ to help you decide what is true and what is not. Ask yourself the following questions: Is there … the longer its duration, the stronger the results will be. What are the writers’ qualifications? You wouldn’t ask a …
Health topics
… page: What are seasonal allergies? Allergies occur when your … to help find the cause of your allergies. When you know what things trigger your symptoms, you can avoid them. This … treatment may help prevent or reduce some allergy symptoms. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of seasonal allergies …
Health topics
… injury. Cold, clammy skin below the level of spinal injury. What causes it? Autonomic dysreflexia occurs when your body … the condition. Discuss this with your doctor. Be aware of what else can cause the condition. This includes broken … sure to talk to your health care team ahead of time about what to do when you have symptoms of autonomic dysreflexia. …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What are Legionnaires' disease and Pontiac fever? … diseases again if you are exposed to the bacteria again. What are the symptoms? The most common symptoms of … medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. What should you do if you think you were exposed to the …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What is sensory processing disorder? Children with sensory … premature birth, brain injury, and learning disorders. What causes it? The exact cause of sensory processing … But current research shows they may be inherited. What are the symptoms? Children with sensory processing …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What is shigellosis? Shigellosis is a type of foodborne … Children ages 2 to 4 are most likely to get the condition. What causes it? Shigellosis is spread when the bacteria in … spread through sex, especially through anal and oral sex. What are the symptoms? The symptoms of shigellosis include …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview What is potassium? Potassium is a mineral. It helps keep the … also helps your nerves, muscles, and heart work properly. What foods are high in potassium? You can control the amount … (almonds, cashew, hazelnuts, peanuts) 1 oz (30 g) 200 mg What foods may contain hidden potassium? Some foods and …
Health topics
… your habits. Don't be afraid to let family and friends know what you're trying to do. And ask for their help. How can … that might get in the way of changing your eating habits. What is your long-term goal? A long-term goal is something … pressure. Your doctor will give you a blood pressure goal. What are the short-term goals that will help you reach your …