4620 results found
Medical tests
… take a sample of breast tissue ( biopsy ), or guide breast surgery. Watch for changes in the size of a cyst or a … Romito MD - Family Medicine Laura S. Dominici MD - General Surgery, Breast Surgical Oncology Current as of: December … MD - Family Medicine & Laura S. Dominici MD - General Surgery, Breast Surgical Oncology This information does not …
Health topics
… way. Ask if it's okay to talk about it. If it is, ask what they think about quitting. Let the person know why you … talk short. Ask if you can check with them later to see what they're thinking. Helping someone quit using tobacco … offering help, ask if it's okay to help, and then ask what you can do. Don't assume that the person wants your …
Health topics
… better, or to lower your chances of a long-term disease? Whatever the reasons, they're your reasons so they're the … tobacco-free. Write down your goals, or tell someone what you are trying to do. It's important to include "by when" or "how long" as well as "what." Pace yourself. You may want or need to quit slowly by …
Health topics
… are less likely to forget about it. You make a change in what you usually do every day. Think about how the change … keep extra medicines with you. Talk to your doctor about what you should do if you miss a dose. Can you make it up? … to remind you. You take many medicines, and you aren't sure what to take or when to take them. Talk to your doctor or …
Health topics
… change. When you feel a strong emotion, try to think about what the emotion is telling you. If you can find the … give yourself permission to let it go. Try writing down what you notice about the feeling. What happens in your body? Do your shoulders tense? Or do …
Health topics
… some of the common complications women may experience - and what to do if they happen to you. Vaginal bleeding Vaginal … is always a concern. If you have bleeding or spotting, stop whatever you're doing and talk to your healthcare provider … call your healthcare provider, let them know the following: What colour is the blood? pink, brown or red? Are there any …
Health topics
… give you support, advice, and encouragement. You can see what is working for others and decide if it might work for … others with the same type of problems. Because they know what you have gone through, they can be good role models and … you talk with others. Ask questions to be sure you know what people want. If you ask for something, be sure you make …
Health topics
… food group for each meal by using a meal plan form . Learn what makes a standard portion of carbohydrate foods . Each … to measure your food portions when you are first learning what makes up a standard portion. Learn how to count either … be helpful to measure your food when you are first learning what makes up a standard portion. Check your child's blood …
Medical tests
… sound. The results of this test are used to help figure out what is going on in the ear. Why It Is Done The results of … hole in the eardrum. This information helps doctors decide what kind of treatment your child may need. Results Normally … sound. The results of this test are used to help figure out what is going on in the ear. Why It Is Done The results of …
Health topics
… sexual function. Couples often assume that they each know what the other person likes when it comes to sex. Sometimes they are wrong. Don't assume. Tell your partner what does and doesn't give you pleasure. Make time outside … sexual function. Couples often assume that they each know what the other person likes when it comes to sex. Sometimes …