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4620 results found
Health topics
… become pregnant Advice on how to support your wellbeing and what to avoid to ensure you’re healthy when planning your …
Health topics
… you are faced with an emergency or injury, you will know what to do. Your confidence in dealing with both major and … or other hazards. Try to look at the situation as a whole. What is the most serious problem and what do you need to do first? The most obvious problem is …
Medical tests
… only detect a problem. More testing is needed to identify what is causing the problem. Why It Is Done Visual acuity … pieces of printed test patterns in various colours. You say what number or symbol you see. Your doctor may have you … normal. A person with 20/20 vision can see at 20 ft (6 m) what people with normal vision can see at this distance. …
Health topics
… Keep the computer in a shared area where you can see what your child is doing online. Before middle school … Defining sex It's important not to make assumptions about what your child knows or doesn't know about sex. Your child … or nothing about sex. He or she may or may not know what the terms sexual activity and sexual intercourse mean. …
… very important information on when to take your pills and what to do if you miss a dose. If you have any questions, … or diet. Tell your doctor if you just had or will be having surgery or if you will be confined to a bed or chair for a … or diet. Tell your doctor if you just had or will be having surgery or if you will be confined to a bed or chair for a …
Medical tests
… in the body. Doctors can use MRC to find gallstones before surgery to remove the gallbladder (laparoscopic … in the body. Doctors can use MRC to find gallstones before surgery to remove the gallbladder (laparoscopic …
Health topics
… in dealing with people who have substance use problems. What treatment therapies are used in the program? Is it a … does the program last? Does the program have aftercare? What has been the success rate for people going through the … disorders? Are family members involved in the program? In what ways are they involved? Alcohol: …
Health topics
… Overview Keeping a headache diary may help you understand what types of headaches you get and what treatment works best for you. You also may be able to find out what your headache triggers are, such as certain foods, …
Health topics
… so you don't relapse. If you do relapse, think about what you can learn from it and what you should do the next time you quit. If you slip or … Try to figure out why you slipped, and make a plan for what to do the next time that happens. A slip is a brief …
Health topics
… stop your negative thoughts or "self-talk." Self-talk is what you think and believe about yourself and your … improve that area. If you want, you also could write down what kind of irrational thought you had. Journal entries … like this: Thought diary Stop your negative thought Ask what type of negative thought you had Choose an accurate, …