4620 results found
Health topics
… card ready so they can check your coverage. Find out what you'll need to be successful. You might need to use a … any notes you made. Get comfortable. Close the door or do what you can to ensure your privacy. If others are at home, … card ready so they can check your coverage. Find out what you'll need to be successful. You might need to use a …
Health topics
… prevent some asthma attacks. Here are some ways to learn what your asthma triggers are. Identify possible asthma … keep track of it. This can help you find a pattern in what triggers your symptoms. Record triggers in your asthma … prevent some asthma attacks. Here are some ways to learn what your asthma triggers are. Identify possible asthma …
Health topics
… detail. For example, is there a breeze? How does it feel? What do you smell? What does the sky look like? Is it clear, or are there … detail. For example, is there a breeze? How does it feel? What do you smell? What does the sky look like? Is it clear, …
Health topics
… cancer treatments can make it harder for your body to get what it needs from the food you eat. And your body needs … too much if you have a day where you cannot eat at all. Do what you can to make yourself feel better and start eating … cancer treatments can make it harder for your body to get what it needs from the food you eat. And your body needs …
Health topics
… can help you avoid making an injury worse. Also, knowing what to do if you cannot get up can help you stay safe until … Call for help. Even if you feel okay, let someone know what happened to you. You might not know that you have a … can help you avoid making an injury worse. Also, knowing what to do if you cannot get up can help you stay safe until …
Health topics
… or shortness of breath. Having a written record of what to do during an asthma attack (asthma action plan) will … often you have episodes, how severe they are, and knowing what triggers them can help your doctor determine the best … or shortness of breath. Having a written record of what to do during an asthma attack (asthma action plan) will …
Health topics
… Check the "Active Ingredients" listed on the label. This is what makes the medicine work. If you use two medicines with … more than one OTC medicine at the same time. And find out what foods, drinks, or natural health products shouldn't be … take medicine in front of children. Kids will often copy what you do. And never call medicine "candy" to get your …
Health topics
… tasks and activities are most important to you. Knowing what's important helps you decide how best to spend your … of a commitment doesn't mean giving up. It means learning what's important to you, recognizing that you have limits, … If you need more commitment in your life, think about what is most important to you. When you are ready to commit: …
Health topics
… You may be able to control this problem by changing what and how you eat. A speech-language pathologist (also … disease have problems telling the difference between what is real and what is not real. Some of this can be caused by the disease, …
Medical tests
… before and after the test to discuss: How the test is done, what the results mean, and any other tests that may be done. … back to talk about your results. This may happen no matter what your results say. It does not always mean that you have … counselling. You can learn how to handle the results and what to do next. If you have a positive test result, contact …