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4761 results found
Health topics
… blocked part of your blood vessel. The graft may be a vein taken from another place in your leg. Or it may be a … the hospital. For at least 2 to 6 weeks, you will need to take it easy at home. It may take 6 to 12 weeks to fully recover. How It Is Done …
Health topics
… include at least one copy of your oxygen prescription to take with you. Recommend a doctor in the places where you … how to use it. Some types of oxygen concentrators can be taken on airplanes, cruise ships, buses, and trains. Travel … release from your doctor stating that you are able to take a cruise. You will also need a prescription that lists …
Health topics
… it worse. People who have depression may find it hard to take care of their health. This can lead to health problems. … including counselling. If your doctor prescribed medicines, take them exactly as they are prescribed. And call your … normal. But if anxiety continues, it can be hard for you to take care of your health. Anxiety is treatable, so talk to …
Medical tests
… test when you could be pregnant. Your doctor may have you take an over-the-counter pain medicine, such as ibuprofen, … a clinic. Before the test, you empty your bladder. You then take off your clothes below the waist. You are given a gown … gently placed into your vagina. It will slowly be moved to take pictures from different angles. Then it is removed. …
Health topics
… While it is hard to do nothing, this lack of attention takes away the very audience your child is seeking. … Let the consequence make the point. For example, take away privileges that closely match a child's inappropriate actions. If a child misuses a toy, take it away for a short period. (If the loss of privilege …
Health topics
… If your splint is removable, ask your doctor if you can take it off when you use ice. If you have an adjustable … or use tape to cover the edges. If you're allowed to take your splint off, be sure your skin is dry before you … Tape a sheet of plastic to cover your splint when you take a shower or bath, unless your doctor said you can take
Health topics
… you can, try to let the person choose when they bathe. To take a shower, the person may need help to step over the … of a shower stall. But they may need only a little help to take a shower. Let them do as much of the bathing as … caring for has dementia, they may not remember how to take a shower. Some people are afraid of the water or don't …
Health topics
… part of your blood vessel. Often the graft is a vein taken from another place in your leg. But sometimes it is a … graft, the doctor will make another incision in your leg to take out the vein. Then the doctor will attach one end of … may need to stay in the hospital for 3 to 5 days. It may take 6 to 12 weeks to fully recover. How It Is Done A …
Health topics
… tissue. If your doctor prescribes antibiotics, be sure to take all the medicine even if you begin to feel better right away. If you don't take all the medicine, you may not kill all the bacteria. No … who are infected. Here are some other steps you can take to protect yourself: Practice good hygiene. Keep your …
Health topics
… back can make your baby spit up all the milk that was just taken. Can I drink alcohol when I am breastfeeding? It's … your baby's sleep or decrease the amount of milk your baby takes at feeding time. If you choose to drink alcohol, try … Even babies given a bottle in the early weeks can refuse to take a bottle later on – your baby associates your breasts …