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4761 results found
Medical tests
… . After the tracer builds up in your body, a special camera takes pictures. The pictures show the areas where the amount … than normal. These areas are called hot spots. It often takes the tracer a few days to build up. So the pictures (scans) are usually taken at 2 days and again at 3 days after you get the …
Medical tests
… before your blood test. In most cases, you are allowed to take your medicines with water the morning of the test. … for 9 to 14 hours before the tests. In most cases, you can take your medicines with water the morning of the test. Do … doctor ALL the medicines and natural health products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your …
Health topics
… part of learning, and mastering of any difficult task takes repeated, concentrated practice. When giving feedback … rather than signs of imminent failure. Teach them how to take slow deep breaths and feel the difference between … self-efficacy. If positive parenting is wearing you out, take a moment to practise building your own resilience. …
Health topics
… on to your baby. But if you aren't immune, you'll want to take special care while you're pregnant. Avoid anything that … you'll need to have your baby tested. Your doctor can take some fluid from the sac that surrounds your baby and … people whose bodies can't fight infection well will need to take medicine to treat the infection and prevent serious …
Health topics
… came from bone marrow or umbilical cord blood, it usually takes about 20 days for your bone marrow to start producing … If the donated cells came from someone's blood, it may not take that long. You may spend 4 weeks or longer in the … cells as though it were a foreign substance. You may also take medicine to help prevent the donor cells from attacking …
… serious (possibly fatal) liver disease. Adults should not take more than 4000 milligrams (4 grams) of acetaminophen a day. People with liver problems and children should take less acetaminophen. Ask your doctor or pharmacist how much acetaminophen is safe to take. Do not use with any other drug containing …
Health topics
… on your plan. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you can take a generic equivalent for the brand-name medicine that you take now. Generic medicines are less expensive copies of … get instructions from your doctor or pharmacist on how to take them. In the case of antibiotics , research has found …
Health topics
… want to exercise. But you can use heat and cold therapy or take pain medicines to help relieve pain and make it easier … or indoors isn't comfortable for you). The water helps take the weight off painful joints. And it provides some … for people who have hip or knee arthritis, because water takes weight off the joints while also providing some …
Health topics
… at home. For example, you might: Read or write in a journal Take a nap. Watch a fun show or video. Listen to a podcast … have to cost a lot or be planned in advance. You could: Take a walk in a new or favourite place. Browse the library. … at home. For example, you might: Read or write in a journal Take a nap. Watch a fun show or video. Listen to a podcast …