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Health topics
… when one eye is weaker than the other. The brain chooses to take in images only from the stronger eye. If the weak eye … time with your child just after the patch is put on. It takes a short time—about 10 or 15 minutes—for the brain to … will enjoy the time you spend together, and this will help take their mind off the patch. Try to find games and …
Health topics
… esophagus. How can you care for yourself when you have it? Take your medicines exactly as prescribed. Call your doctor … esophagus to heal. Prevent problems caused by GERD. You may take: Antacids. These include Gaviscon and Tums. Antacids … stomach acid and relieve heartburn. If you want to take medicine only when your symptoms bother you, antacids …
Health features
… Overcoming obstacles to taking medicines Asthma: Ways to take inhaled medicines Nebulizer for Asthma Treatment Asthma …
Health topics
… oxygen at home, it is important to learn how to use and take care of your equipment. Do not change the setting on … in advance so you don't run out. Do not drink alcohol or take drugs that relax you while using oxygen. Alcohol, … trip and fall over the cords, oxygen tubing, or canisters. Take care of your nasal cannula and skin. Use water-based …
Health topics
… Or you may use the ring continuously. This means you don't take the ring out for a week each month. With this method, … Leave the ring in place for 3 weeks. Remove the ring to take a 1-week break to have a menstrual period. Remove the … Or you may use the ring continuously. This means you don't take the ring out for a week each month. With this method, …
Health topics
… doctor about any health problems you have or medicines you take. Your doctor can help you choose the birth control … hormones. So you can use the diaphragm if you don't want to take hormones or can't take hormones because you have certain health problems or …
Health topics
… out of the reach of children to prevent poisoning. Don't take someone else's prescription cough medicine. Watch how … Acute Bronchitis Bronchitis: Should I Take Antibiotics? Coughs, Age 11 and Younger Coughs, Age 12 … out of the reach of children to prevent poisoning. Don't take someone else's prescription cough medicine. Watch how …
Health topics
… Treating Low Blood Sugar Actionset Overview If your child takes insulin or certain diabetes pills that lower blood … too low at times. Low blood sugar may happen if your child: Takes too much insulin or other diabetes medicine. Skips or … physically active than usual without eating enough food. Takes a medicine that can lower blood sugar as a side …
Health topics
… some things to try: Talk to your child. Don't make the mistake of thinking that your child is too young to understand … for anything and that lots of kids go through this. Take a guided tour or conduct your own tour. Many hospitals … their sibling is in the hospital. If you and your child take a hospital tour, consider taking siblings along. …
Health topics
… control. Baths Warm to cool baths can help relieve itching. Take baths for 20 to 30 minutes as often as needed to stay … can also make an oatmeal paste and apply it to itchy areas. Take some oatmeal that's been ground to a powder, and mix it … used for chickenpox. But sometimes antihistamines that are taken by mouth will help relieve itching. Antihistamines …