4761 results found
Health topics
… you get a headache and how bad it is. What medicine you take when you get a headache, and how well it works. Over … headache after you drink wine or eat a certain food. It may take only a few months before you can find your headache triggers. When you find your triggers, you can take steps to avoid them. Keep to a daily routine Doing the …
Health topics
… based on when you start HT in menopause and how long you take it. Starting HT in early menopause has less risk than … based on when you start HT in menopause and how long you take it. Starting HT in early menopause has less risk than …
Health topics
… in 1½ to 2 hours. When you have gastroparesis, your stomach takes a lot longer to empty. The delay results in bothersome … your blood sugar levels may reduce your symptoms. Food can take longer to digest, which can make it harder to know when … else. At first, you may need to try a different medicine or take more than one medicine. Surgery to place a feeding tube …
Health topics
… passing an exam. To keep this certification, doctors must take continuing medical education courses. How can you find … with the doctor? Does the doctor encourage you to take an active part in your care? Talk with your doctor … about being a partner in your health decisions. It may take more than one visit for you to find out whether or not …
Health topics
… best for you. Things you can do Here are some steps you can take that may help prevent cancer. Quit smoking. When you … asbestos, benzene, radon, and polluted drinking water. Take care when you use cleaning products, paints, solvents, … best for you. Things you can do Here are some steps you can take that may help prevent cancer. Quit smoking. When you …
Health topics
… "I'm too out of shape." "I'm too fat." Join a group or take a class with others who look or feel like you do. … and outdoor activities. When it's cold, hot, or humid, take precautions. "I don't have the money." Being physically … "I'm too out of shape." "I'm too fat." Join a group or take a class with others who look or feel like you do. …
Health topics
… your past health, your symptoms, and the medicines you take. You will have a physical examination, and other tests … Change or stop medicines that lower your blood pressure. Take medicine to treat the problem that is causing low blood … medicine to help prevent a low blood pressure problem, take it exactly as prescribed. High …
Health topics
… procedure can be done in your doctor's office. It usually takes about 30 minutes. The affected hand will be cleaned … don't put your hand underwater for 2 days. It will probably take about 1 to 2 weeks for your hand to heal. You can use … light use, such as working at a computer. You may need to take about 1 to 3 weeks off work if your job requires you to …
Health topics
… Try guided imagery. This means using your imagination to take you to a calm, peaceful place. Imagining yourself in a … and brainstorm solutions. Ask friends for suggestions. Take good care of yourself. Do things that you enjoy. See a … Try guided imagery. This means using your imagination to take you to a calm, peaceful place. Imagining yourself in a …
Medical tests
… and structures inside the chest. Usually two pictures are taken, one from the back of the chest and another from the side. In an emergency when only one X-ray picture is taken, a front view is usually done. Doctors may not always … your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done You will need to take off jewellery that might be in the way of the X-ray …