6211 results found
Health topics
… you take, the harder it may be. Here are some ideas you can use to stay organized and track your medicines. Know your … for taking your medicines, and follow it every day. You can use this daily medicine planner . Find activities you do … need to take your medicine, such as brushing your teeth. Use these activities to help remind you to take your …
Health topics
… work you do, the environment you work in, and the tools you use to do your job. The goal of office ergonomics is to set … space so that it fits you and the job you are doing. It focuses on how things are set up in your office work space, … including light, noise, and temperature. The tools you use to do your job and whether they are set up to fit your …
Health topics
… B (UVA and UVB) rays. These ultraviolet rays are the main causes of damage to the skin from the sun. UVA and UVB rays … into skin layers Is 20 times more abundant than UVB rays Causes long-term skin damage UVB Cannot pass through window glass Causes sunburn Causes tanning Helps the body make vitamin D Is …
Health topics
… at home by using the following strategies. Be a role model. Use these suggestions to model the behaviour you want your … you will see them often. It will help your child if you use colourful pictures, such as a picture of a toothbrush, … Encourage everyone to refer to the calendar often. Use eye-catching stickers as visual reminders. Have family …
Health topics
… that are meant only for adults. These medicines could cause serious health problems if given to a child. Be sure to … on the label. This is what makes the medicine work. If you use two medicines with the same or similar active … a sign of a serious illness. Talk to your doctor before you use ibuprofen if your baby is under 6 months of age. Ask …
Health topics
… Overview Cancer and some of the treatments for it can cause pain. But having cancer does not mean that you have to … family and friends. Pain control starts with finding the cause of the pain. As soon as your doctor knows what is … best treatment for your type of pain. Medicines are often used to treat pain. You and your doctor may need to adjust …
Health topics
… be flexible. There are a variety of terms that people may use to describe their gender identity. For example, people … expands beyond the categories of male or female may use the term "gender-diverse." For some people, their gender … help planning how to come out to people if they need it. Use the language your teen uses to describe their sexual …
Health topics
… Intermittent catheterization programs (ICPs) are often used when you have the ability to use a catheter yourself or someone can do it for you. You … fluid you can consume each day and what times are best to use the catheter. How to use the catheter Following is a …
Health topics
… your doctor. Ask your doctor. It can be hard to learn to use an otoscope. If you buy one, be sure to read and follow the instructions that come with it. Never use a home otoscope to diagnose or treat ear problems. If … for doing a home ear examination Always read and follow the use and cleaning instructions that came with your otoscope. …
Health topics
… he can point when asked, "Where's your belly button?" Uses a vocabulary of five or more words to make short expressions such as “all gone.” Uses "no" correctly, often with a shake of her head. Forms … Begin to understand basic sentences Name pictures in a book Use one word to name things he sees or wants. For example, …