6216 results found
Health topics
… effects of weight-loss medicines may include headaches, nausea, and bowel problems. Weight-loss medicines can be … medicines help some people lose weight. The medicines are used along with diet changes and more physical activity. … some weight-loss medicines? Weight loss medicines often cause side effects such as nausea, headache, and dizziness. …
Health topics
… you get in your eyes and that make your eyes burn won't cause serious eye problems. The only treatment needed for … or chemical fumes get into the eye. Many substances won't cause damage if they are flushed out of the eye quickly. Acids … also irritate the eyes. Burns to the eyelid or eye can cause eye problems. Blasts of hot air or steam can burn the …
Health topics
… Twins or More On this page: Health Tools Cause Symptoms What Happens Prenatal Care Self-Care Related … and may be worse. For example, a multiple pregnancy may cause early or severe morning sickness . How can you tell if … babies are in your uterus. Your doctor or midwife can also use the ultrasound to check the health and growth of the …
Health topics
… An enlarged prostate is usually harmless, but it often causes problems with urination. About half of all men older … much they affect your quality of life. What medicines are used to treat an enlarged prostate? Medicines are sometimes used to help relieve bothersome, moderate to severe …
Health topics
… 5 Quiz Yourself 6 Your Summary Get the facts Your options Use active surveillance. This means following a schedule of … that their cancer is growing. Surgery or radiation may be used to remove or destroy the cancer right away. But in many cases, the cancer would never have caused you problems. And having these treatments may not cure …
Medical tests
… (mm Hg). Automatic blood pressure monitors Most people use an automatic monitor to measure their blood pressure at … to test it again when you are home. footnote 1 This is because your blood pressure can change throughout the day. And sometimes blood pressure is high only because you are seeing a doctor. This is called white-coat …
Health topics
… an adrenal crisis may occur that can lead to death because of a steep drop in blood pressure. What causes it? Addison's disease can occur: When the body's immune … makes cortisol and aldosterone. This is the most common cause. When the adrenal glands are harmed by: Infections, such …
HealthLinkBC files
… include: Fever Diarrhea or bloody diarrhea Stomach cramps Nausea Vomiting Bloating Gas If you or your child experience … or alcohol-based hand sanitizing gel or foam with you to use in situations when you are not near a hand-washing station. Use a hand sanitizer with 60 to 95 percent ethanol or …
Health topics
… how hard you will be active. Don't exercise too hard, because it can put stress on your heart. And it may make your … your heart rate (pulse). Learn how to check your pulse or use a heart rate monitor. Your doctor may give you a range … to keep doing the things that are working well. Many people use a fitness app to track their activity. Many of the apps …
Health topics
… possible. In both procedures, general anesthesia usually is used. The type of hysterectomy you have depends on your … bladder, and rectum may become weak. The weakness may cause bladder or bowel problems, such as cystocele , urinary … your hysterectomy. If sexual intercourse is painful because of vaginal dryness, use a vaginal lubricant, such as K-Y …