6216 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… and shed skins during large-scale infestations has caused allergic reactions. Examples of symptoms include skin … due to successful eradication efforts. Many methods are used to monitor and eradicate spongy moth introductions. … approved food-grade additives. No petroleum products are used. Foray 48B® is not toxic or harmful to people, dogs, …
HealthLinkBC files
… vision? Babies can see at birth, but they have to learn to use their eyes. They have to learn how to focus, track objects and use both eyes together. Babies learn eye-hand coordination … the other eye. The child's brain ignores the weak eye and uses the strong eye to see. Treatment needs to commence (i.e …
Medical tests
… it is called microalbuminuria. Albuminuria is most often caused by kidney damage from diabetes . But many other … kidneys in people with diabetes. Other conditions also cause albuminuria. These conditions include high blood … a large container that holds about 4 L (1 gal) . You will use the container to collect your urine. When you first get …
Health topics
… not been thoroughly tested. Taking large doses of it may cause sleep disruption and daytime fatigue. If you have … warfarin (such as Coumadin), talk to your doctor before you use melatonin. The sleeping pills zolpidem (Sublinox) and … the morning, stay indoors, such as by going to a mall or a museum. If you flew west, stay awake during daylight, and try …
Health topics
… help you plan what you'll need after leaving the hospital, use this hospital discharge checklist. What if you don't … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of …
Medical tests
… translucency screening is a test done during pregnancy. It uses ultrasound to measure the thickness of the fluid … and get information about your developing baby. It doesn't use X-rays or other types of radiation that may harm the … correctly finds Down syndrome in 64 to 70 out of 100 fetuses who have it. It misses Down syndrome in 30 to 36 out of …
Health topics
… The player's concussion history. The player's medicine use. The type of sport and the position played. The player's … can gradually increase activity as long as it does not cause new symptoms or worsen his or her symptoms. The athlete … as long as the activity doesn't increase symptoms or cause new symptoms. Light aerobic activity. This can include …
Health topics
… pain. Pleurisy is sometimes called pleuritis. What causes it? In young, healthy people, an infection of the lower respiratory system by a virus or bacteria may cause pleurisy. Pleurisy usually lasts a few days to 2 weeks. … In very rare cases, the virus or bacteria may spread and cause pleurisy in others. Other causes of pleurisy include air …
Health topics
… you do get them. Try to: Find and avoid triggers that cause your headaches. Tension Headache Triggers Migraine … pain relievers more than 3 times a week, because you may get rebound headaches . These headaches usually … whenever you stop taking the medicine. Take drugs that cause the fewest side effects, such as non-steroidal …
Health topics
… the first infection is usually the worst. This infection causes stomach upset and diarrhea. Babies and very young … have rotavirus infections need to be watched closely, because they can become dehydrated very quickly. Dehydration … April), your doctor will often suspect rotavirus as the cause. A test of stool can be done to confirm a diagnosis. …