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6216 results found
Health topics
… will connect you to a heart-lung bypass machine, which is used to add oxygen to your blood and move the blood through … the doctor will restart your heartbeat. Then the doctor may use wire to put your sternum back together. Your incision … surgeon may make an incision between the ribs. The surgeon uses this incision to work on the heart. The surgeon does …
Health topics
… who have survived an abnormal heart rhythm that could cause sudden death. This decision aid focuses on whether to get an ICD if you have not had a heart … are at risk of having an abnormal heart rhythm that could cause sudden death. Tests can show if you are at risk. An ICD …
Health topics
… Domestic abuse while pregnant Last updated June 1, 2021 If your partner has threatened or used physical, verbal, emotional or sexual abuse in the past, this may get worse when you’re pregnant. …
Health topics
… of your slip or trip with a healthcare provider can provide useful information for prevention. There is a British … risk of future falls with a few simple questions. You can use this checklist and your score to start a conversation … home, like tripping hazards and improper lighting. You can use the Home Safety Checklist to assess the safety of your …
Medical tests
… is the tube that carries food to your stomach. The doctor uses a thin, lighted tube that bends. It is called an … for ulcers, tumours, infection, or bleeding. It also can be used to look for signs of acid backing up into your … gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. The doctor can use the scope to take a sample of tissue for study (a …
Medical tests
… procedure. Why It Is Done A spinal tap is done to: Find a cause for symptoms possibly caused by an infection (such as meningitis ), inflammation, … into the spinal canal. In rare cases, a spinal tap may be used to lower the pressure in the brain caused by too much …
Health topics
… differently? What could happen if you don't have the test? Use this medical test information form to help you. Consider … done without your permission, and you have the right to refuse a test. Talk to your doctor What are your concerns about … medicines is to know why you need each medicine before you use it. Learn the facts What is the name of the medicine, …
Health topics
… Know how it works, what it does, and how it keeps you safe. Use certain electric devices with caution. Some electric … need to keep a short distance away from your ICD. Many household and office electronics do not affect your ICD. Keep … changes in what you do. You may want to avoid an action because you think it may cause or has caused a shock. But a …
Health topics
… joint piece to the shoulder bone. The cup-shaped piece is used to replace the top of the upper arm bone. Doctors often use general anesthesia for joint replacement surgeries. This … you'll be unconscious during surgery. But sometimes they use regional anesthesia, which means you can't feel the area …
Health topics
… meniscus can prevent your knee from working right. What causes it? A meniscus tear is usually caused by twisting or turning quickly, often with your foot … on your age and the health of your knee. A tear can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness. The knee may catch, pop, …