6216 results found
Health topics
… In diverticulosis, the pouches in the colon wall don't cause symptoms. The condition may not be found unless symptoms … is discovered only when tests are done to find the cause of a different medical problem or during a screening examination. What causes it? The reason pouches (diverticula) form in the colon …
Health topics
… What is botulism? Botulism is caused by the Clostridium botulinum ( C. botulinum ) bacterium. The bacteria produce a nerve toxin that can cause paralysis. Food-borne botulism can be fatal and is considered a medical emergency. What causes it? Food-borne botulism can be caused by eating …
Health topics
… from the upper to the lower chambers of the heart, which causes the heart muscle to contract. Regular, rhythmic … of the heart are known as the pacemaker of the heart because the rate at which these cells send out electrical … requires more oxygen to function, signals from your body cause your heart rate to increase significantly to deliver …
Health topics
… list of the medicines you are taking, especially if they cause any side effects during exercise. Which medicines affect … antidepressants may lower your blood pressure or cause heart rhythm problems. These medicines are generally not … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… It is important that you and your doctor try to find the cause. Many of the things that cause fatigue can be treated, and you may feel better. Your fatigue may be caused by one or more of the following: Having the virus …
Health topics
… easily treated. Sometimes, though, it's serious. What causes it? There are three main reasons why you might get … red blood cells. Losing too much blood This is a common cause of anemia, especially for women who have heavy bleeding … It can also happen with ulcers or other problems that cause bleeding inside the body. Not making enough red blood …
Health topics
… you know the discomfort of motion sickness. It doesn't cause long-term problems, but it can make your life miserable, … called airsickness, seasickness, or carsickness. What causes it? You get motion sickness when one part of your … don't see any movement. This conflict between the senses causes motion sickness. You may feel sick from the motion of …
Health topics
… difficile (also called C. diff) are bacteria that can cause swelling and irritation of the large intestine, or colon. This inflammation, known as colitis, can cause diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. You may get C. … people who are getting chemotherapy for cancer. Colitis caused by C. diff can be mild or serious. In rare cases, it …
Health topics
… The pressure outside the ear gets too high. This blockage causes ear pain and sometimes trouble hearing. What causes them? Swelling from a cold, allergies, or a sinus … may collect in the middle ear. The pressure and fluid can cause pain. You also can have ear pain from changes in …
Medical tests
… such as infection, inflammation, or cancer. The doctor may use the tube to take a sample of tissue from the area. This … injury to a nerve near the voice box (larynx) which may cause permanent hoarseness. Results Mediastinoscopy results … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …