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Health topics
… of sperm count problems include: Hormonal problems in the testicles or pituitary gland . The pituitary gland releases hormones that stimulate the testicles to produce testosterone . Testicular injury or … sperm has been exposed to his immune system (outside of the testicles). This may happen after a vasectomy, an infection, …
Health topics
… testicle. It collects and stores maturing sperm made by the testicles prior to ejaculation. Inflammation and infection … tenderness, and swelling in the scrotum (epididymides or testicles) that gradually get worse are the most common … emergency condition that causes loss of blood flow to the testicles and requires urgent surgical treatment. If it is …
Health topics
… Society (CCS) recommends that all men should know how their testicles normally look and feel and that men should talk to their doctor if they notice any changes in their testicles. footnote 1 Monthly testicular self-examinations … Society (CCS) recommends that all men should know how their testicles normally look and feel and that men should talk to …
Health topics
… is a painless buildup of watery fluid around one or both testicles that causes the scrotum or groin area to swell. … be caused by inflammation or infection of the epididymis or testicles. In rare cases, hydroceles may occur with cancer … is a painless buildup of watery fluid around one or both testicles that causes the scrotum or groin area to swell. …
Health topics
Medical tests
… and development. In men, it is made in large amounts by the testicles . In both men and women, testosterone is made in … called luteinizing hormone (LH) . This hormone tells the testicles to make more testosterone. Before puberty , the … a high level of testosterone may be caused by cancer of the testicles or adrenal glands . In boys younger than 10, a …
Medical tests
… a test to remove a small sample of tissue from one or both testicles . The tissue is then looked at under a microscope. The testicles (testes) are oval-shaped glands that hang in the … normally. These include problems caused by undescended testicles, varicoceles, and mumps. Sometimes sperm …
Health topics
… people than in black people. Many growths in the scrotum or testicles aren't cancer (benign). But a painless lump in a … may include a painless buildup of fluid around one or both testicles ( hydrocele ) or an enlarged vein (varicose vein) … does not extend to the tip of the penis. Undescended testicles (cryptorchidism). This occurs when one or both …
Medical tests
… in men or women who might have cancer of the ovaries , testicles , or adrenal glands . Both men and women make … amounts of estrogens are made by the adrenal glands and testicles. Small amounts of estrone are made throughout the … out if there are estrogen-producing tumours growing in the testicles. Monitor treatment with fertility medicines. Learn …
Health topics
… repair include: Risks of general anesthesia. Pain in the testicles or in the cord that carries sperm from the … cord). Damage to the cord that carries sperm from the testicles to the penis. This could affect your ability to … repair include: Risks of general anesthesia. Pain in the testicles or in the cord that carries sperm from the …