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HealthLinkBC files
… are sleeping or awake. For more information about TB skin testing, visit HealthLinkBC File #51d Tuberculosis (TB) skin test . The TST results, your reason for testing and your general health may mean you need further TB testing. Further testing could include a TB blood test, …
Medical tests
Health topics
… unsterilized equipment. You and your doctor can decide if testing is right for you. You can get HIV testing in most doctors' offices, public health units, and … unsterilized equipment. You and your doctor can decide if testing is right for you. You can get HIV testing in most …
Health topics
Health topics
… will also look at the results of a: Sputum culture . Testing mucus from the lungs (sputum culture) is the best … other parts of the body (extrapulmonary TB) requires more testing. Tests include: Biopsy . A sample of the affected … TB. MRI . This test looks for TB in the brain or the spine. Testing for HIV infection is often done at the time of TB …
Medical tests