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Health topics
… may need to have it removed by a doctor. You can also have problems from a piercing in the mouth. The piece of skin … heart disease, and HIV/AIDS. Long-term alcohol and drug problems. Steroid medicines, which may be used to treat a … drive you. You are in an area where heavy traffic or other problems may slow you down. Call 9-1-1 Now Based on your …
… shaking (tremor) difficulty urinating signs of liver problems (such as nausea that doesn't stop, … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as blood pressure, liver function) should be … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as blood pressure, liver function) should be …
Health topics
… Talk to your other health professionals. Many medical tests and procedures won't affect your pacemaker. But some … Talk to your other health professionals. Many medical tests and procedures won't affect your pacemaker. But some …
Health topics
Health topics
… diseases can cause a fever and bloody diarrhea, lab tests are the best way to diagnose shigellosis. Your doctor … environments. A stool culture confirms the diagnosis. Blood tests may be done if your symptoms are severe or to rule out … diseases can cause a fever and bloody diarrhea, lab tests are the best way to diagnose shigellosis. Your doctor …
Health topics
… your child uncomfortable, but they rarely cause serious problems. There is no medical evidence that fevers from … can be scary to see. But they usually don't cause other problems, such as brain damage, intellectual disability , or learning problems. Low body temperature If a low body temperature is …
… ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as liver function) may be done while you are … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as liver function) may be done while you are …
… ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as calcium levels) may be done while you are … not share this medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as calcium levels) may be done while you are …