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Health topics
… muscles and how well you can move. They also lower your blood pressure. Lidocaine and bupivacaine are common ones. … system. Epidural anesthesia may affect blood pressure, breathing, heartbeat, and other vital functions. You may also … system. Epidural anesthesia may affect blood pressure, breathing, heartbeat, and other vital functions. You may also …
Health topics
… as blurred or double vision. Dizziness. Rapid, deep breathing. Stop taking aspirin and call a health professional if side effects do not go away within 4 hours after the last dose of aspirin was taken. … pregnant. Are breastfeeding. Have nasal polyps. Have a blood-clotting disorder or take blood thinners …
Health topics
… it work? Most women have a significant decrease in uterine blood loss with the LNg IUD. Some studies report up to a 95% reduction in blood loss. footnote 1 Increased spotting during the first … it work? Most women have a significant decrease in uterine blood loss with the LNg IUD. Some studies report up to a 95% …
Health topics
… of what to expect during third trimester medical visits: Blood test (24–28 weeks) A shot of Rh-immune globulin will … Tests usually performed at all prenatal visits include: Blood pressure and pulse Urine test Fetal heart rate …
Health topics
… include skin temperature, muscle tension, heart rate, and blood pressure. It's done to improve a person's health and … the movement of your chest and belly associated with breathing. To learn biofeedback, you'll need to practice in a … can wear. Why It Is Used Biofeedback may be used for many things, such as anxiety, depression, migraine headaches, …
Health topics
… a Flare-Up of Rosacea On this page: Overview Overview Some things may cause your rosacea to flare up. These are called … Here are some examples of rosacea triggers. There are some things you can try that may reduce flare-ups. Alcohol, spicy … your skin from the cold and wind. These triggers cause the blood vessels in the face to relax and open wider (dilate), …
Health topics
… the arteries. It is the starting point for most heart and blood flow problems, such as coronary artery disease, heart … risk. How can you find out your risk? Your doctor looks at things that put you at risk for a heart attack and stroke. He or she might look at many things, such as: Your cholesterol levels. Your blood
Health topics
… been active, enjoying her daily walks in the park. But things changed when Sally's mom had a heart attack. Sally … wasn't all. Sally later found out that her cholesterol and blood sugar levels were higher than normal. "My doctor told … been active, enjoying her daily walks in the park. But things changed when Sally's mom had a heart attack. Sally …
Health topics
… BMI, the greater the risk of some diseases, such as high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, stroke, … and type 2 diabetes. Being aware of your risk can help you think about whether you might want to make some changes to … and type 2 diabetes. Being aware of your risk can help you think about whether you might want to make some changes to …
Health topics
… sudden, heavy vaginal bleeding that is causing heavy blood loss or a low number of red blood cells (anemia). Get a tissue sample for testing. For … sudden, heavy vaginal bleeding that is causing heavy blood loss or a low number of red blood cells (anemia). Get …