746 results found
Medical tests
… Antithyroid Antibody Tests On this page: Test Overview Why It Is … It Feels Risks Results Test Overview Thyroid antibody tests measure the levels of antibodies that can destroy thyroid tissue or make the cells produce thyroid hormones. …
Health topics
… cyst during a pelvic examination . You may have a pelvic ultrasound to see if the cyst is filled with fluid. How are … cyst during a pelvic examination . You may have a pelvic ultrasound to see if the cyst is filled with fluid. Your … further testing in some cases, such as when the first ultrasound doesn't clearly show what kind of cyst or growth …
Medical tests
… levels rise, phosphate levels fall. A hormone called parathyroid hormone (PTH) regulates the levels of calcium … It helps find problems with certain glands, such as the parathyroid glands. The test is also used to find a cause for …
Health topics
… cancer Testicular cancer Testicular cancer screening Thyroid cancer Thyroid cancer Types of thyroid cancer … Cancer …
Medical tests
… waves to form an image of the retina on a computer screen. Ultrasound. This test uses sound waves to form the image. … the eyes. This test usually takes about 30 minutes. Eye ultrasound Eyes closed: You sit in a chair with your eyes closed. The doctor puts ultrasound gel on your eyelid. Then the doctor gently moves …
Health topics
… for birth defects include blood tests and a certain type of ultrasound . Depending on the type of screening you have, … of certain substances in your blood. The doctor uses an ultrasound to look for certain changes in your baby. Other … of two tests: Nuchal translucency test . This test uses ultrasound to measure the thickness of the area at the back …
Health topics
… doctor thinks you have gallstones, he or she may order an ultrasound of the belly to confirm the diagnosis. How are … to confirm the diagnosis. Tests might include: An abdominal ultrasound . This is the best way to confirm gallstones. A … screen. A gallbladder scan. Your doctor may do this if your ultrasound didn't show gallstones. In this test, a special …
Health topics
… anemia . Your care provider may also suggest a fetal ultrasound. This test is often used to confirm your due date … for hepatitis B, sexually transmitted infections, or thyroid disease. You'll also be checked for past infections, … for hepatitis B, sexually transmitted infections, or thyroid disease. You'll also be checked for past infections, …
Health topics
… baby is not head-down after 36 weeks, you may have a fetal ultrasound to confirm the position. Your care provider may … for hepatitis B, sexually transmitted infections, or thyroid disease. You'll also be checked for past infections, … for hepatitis B, sexually transmitted infections, or thyroid disease. You'll also be checked for past infections, …
Health topics
… you. You may get imaging tests, such as a CT scan or ultrasound , to look at your kidneys and urinary tract. How … In rare cases, a person forms kidney stones because the parathyroid glands produce too much of a hormone. This leads …