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HealthLinkBC files
… you must be examined by a health care provider and have lab tests done. How is it spread? PID is most often caused by … Sexual partners from the last 2 months need to be tested and treated. If you have not had a sexual partner in … 2 months, then your last sexual partner will need to be tested and treated. It takes time for the infection to clear …
Health features
… surgery receive antibiotics just in case? Can I be tested to find out if I am infected with Mycobacterium … future, antibiotics might not work to treat it. Can I be tested to find out if I am infected with Mycobacterium chimaera? No, there is no screening test to see if you have been exposed to Mycobacterium …
Health topics
… travelled within the past 2 weeks. The doctor will also do tests. The tests may include a chest X-ray, blood test, urine test, or looking at mucus from your lungs. How …
Health topics
… passes out of the gallbladder on its way to the small intestine. If the flow of bile is blocked, it builds up inside … tenderness. You may have blood drawn and an ultrasound, a test that uses sound waves to create a picture of your … wall, extra fluid, and other signs of cholecystitis. This test also allows doctors to check the size and shape of your …
… you are using contains maltose and if your blood sugar testing supplies will work with this product. Rarely, … infliximab) This medication may interfere with certain lab tests (including certain blood sugar tests), possibly causing false test results. Make sure lab …
… you are using contains maltose and whether your blood sugar testing supplies will work with this product. Rarely, … received any of these vaccines, your doctor may have you tested for a response or have you vaccinated again later. If … made from human blood. Even though the blood is carefully tested, and this medication goes through a special …
Health topics
… is high pressure in the veins that filter blood from the intestines through the liver (portal system of the liver). The … anyone who has been diagnosed with cirrhosis. If your first test does not find any varices, you can be tested again in 2 to 3 years. You may need more frequent …
Health topics
… a chest X-ray will be ordered. If needed, more imaging tests may be done. Your doctor may also check a sample of your mucus and may order blood tests. How is healthcare-associated pneumonia treated? Your … that treats the most likely causes of pneumonia. If testing finds which specific type of bacteria is causing the …
Health topics
… or treatment has been approved. Phase I: A new medicine is tested for the first time on a small group of healthy people … non-blinded studies. Phase II: The medicine or treatment is tested on a larger group of people with certain conditions … studies. Phase III: The medicine or treatment is tested on even larger groups. The medicine is studied to …
Health topics
… of infection. Urine or fluid from the infected area will be tested for gonorrhea. You may also be tested for other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) at … Wait to have sex with new partners until you've each been tested. Don't have sex if you have symptoms of an infection …